A letter of complaint.doc

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A  formal letter of complaint is written to complain about a problem which has arisen (e.g. faulty merchandise, rude staff, inaccurate information, etc). It should explain the reasons for the complaint, and usually includes a suggestion / request / demand concerning what should be done (e.g. refund, compensation, etc).



Mild or strong language can be used depending on the writer’s feelings and the seriousness of the complaint, but abusive language must never be used.


e.g. Mild complaint:


I am writing to complain about a factual error in yesterday’s newspaper.


I hope that you will give this matter your prompt attention.



     Strong complaint:


I am writing to express my strong disapproval concerning the offensive behaviour of an employee at your company’s Winchester Road Branch.


I demand a full, written apology or I will be forced to take legal action.



The nature of the complaint should be clearly stated in the first paragraph. Each aspect of the topic should be presented in a separate paragraph containing a clear topic sentence. Each complaint should be supported by clear justification.


                                           USEFUL LANGUAGE



To begin letters:


Mild complaint

I am writing to complain about / draw your attention to (the problem of) …

                    to express my disappointment / dissatisfaction with …


Strong complaint

I am writing to express my annoyance / extreme dissatisfaction with / anger at / protest about

I regret to / feel I must inform you how appaled / shocked I was …


To end letters:


Mild complaint

I hope / trust this matter will be dealt with / resolved as soon as possible.

                                              receive your immediate attention.

                                              not be trated lightly.

I feel that you should ……../ I am entitled to compensation / a refund / a replacement.


Strong complaint

I (must) insist on …/ insist (that)/ demand …/ warm you that …

Unless this matter is resolved …/ Unless satisfactory compensation is offered …

I will have no choice but to / I will be forced to take further / legal action.



Read the letter below, and fill in the gaps with words / phrases from the list.


but also,   furthermore,   not only , however,   in addition to,   firstly,    to make matters worse



Dear Sir/ Madam,


I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction at the disgraceful treatment I received at the Walford branch at Stimpson’s Electronics yesterday afternoon.


(1)…………………, the product I was given was not the model I had asked for. The new X-401 calculator was demonstrated to me by the sales assistant, and I agreed to buy it. (2)…………………, on unpacking my purchase, I saw that I had been given the smaller X-201 model instead.



(3)…………………, this calculator was much cheaper than the model I requested and paid for. It didn’t have many of the features I needed and was much more basic than the one I was shown to begin with.


(4) ……………………, I was deeply offended by the behaviour of the sales assistant when I went back to the shop to complain. He was (5) …………………. impolite,  (6) ……………..unhelpful. He refused to contact the manager when I asked to speak to him about the incident.


As you can imagine, I am extremely upset. I must insist on a full refund, (7) …………………

a written apology from the local manager, or else I shall be forced to take further action. I expect to hear from you as soon as possible.


Yours faithfully,


Caroline Adams



II Read the letter of complaint and number the paragraphs in the right order. Then find the topic of each paragraph. Is it a mild or strong complaint? Justify your answer. Add salutation and name.


A.      I hope that this matter will receive your prompt attention and that my TV set will be

Replaced within the week.


B.      I am writing to you regarding the faulty TV set which I bought from your store last



C.      Furthermore, I was told that the TV was guaranteed for 2 years. Although I have

asked you repeatedly to replace the TV, I have not yet received a reply from you.



D.      When I bought the TV the shop assistant assured me that it had Teletext and stereo

sound. However, when I turned it on, the sound was awful and the picture was blurry.






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