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Student’s Worksheet 1
Zadania maturalne, Temat: Unit 8
TASK 1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the boxbkets – infi nitives or gerunds.
split chat have stay get fall
be ask get be
1. …………………………………… in love is great when the other person shares your feelings.
2. Is it a good idea …………………………………… Mary out this weekend?
3. I really regret …………………………………… married – we made the decision too soon.
4. I had planned …………………………………… up with her for a long time, and I fi nally did it last
5. I fi nd it rather diffi cult …………………………………… on with my best friend’s new boyfriend.
6. The one thing I can’t stand is …………………………………… arguments with my family.
7. I really hate …………………………………… in at weekends – I have to go out and meet my
8. I’d love …………………………………… like my older sister – caring and sensitive.
9. We spent a lovely afternoon …………………………………… with some of our dearest friends.
10. It’s only due to …………………………………… extremely tolerant that he puts up with her
TASK 2 Put the words in brackets in the correct form.
1. I hope that my parents will give me more …………………………………… when I’m 18. (FREE)
2. They’re going to die of …………………………………… in a moment.
Can’t you come up with something interesting?
3. Many people these days choose to be single and say they never suffer from
4. This is …………………………………… ! How can you break up with her for such
a trivial reason?!
He should attend some …………………………………… management course
– he loses his temper way too often.
6. Many companies choose their new employees on the basis of their
…………………………………… traits. (PERSONAL)
7. She’s such a …………………………………… person I couldn’t spend a day with her. (POSSESS)
8. I prefer to solve problems quietly and calmly – ……………………………………
breeds ……………………………………, you know.
The way you treat your parents is …………………………………… .
How could you be so rude to them?
I got home that night full of ……………………………………, a state which
was quickly changed when my mother discovered I had lost her car keys.
TASK 3 Write sentences with fi ve of these words, leaving an empty space in the places where the words
should be. Then give the sentences to your partner – can they guess the missing words?
ancient matter enemy potion wealthy mainly broken-hearted
© Macmillan Polska 2014
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Student’s Worksheet 2
Zadania maturalne, Temat: Unit 8
TASK 4 Think and guess: what kind of information can The Lovescope give you?
your personality features
– what you expect from your partner
star signs you should avoid dating
– days of the week that are best for you to go on a date
star signs you get on well with
TASK 5 Read the texts and fi nd the ‘good matches’.
THE Lovescope
What are your romantic strengths?
What do you need in a relationship?
And who’s most good for you?
Find out what the stars say about your love life!
TASK 6 Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie
poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
(March 21 to April 20)
Fast life suits your spontaneous nature. You’re a fi re sign – bright, enthusiastic, ready
to take big challenges. Impulsive in love, you’re not afraid to 6.1. _______________
the fi rst move, but you tend to fall in love with almost anyone – whether or not they
are any good for you. You’re attracted to active people 6.2. ______________ like
to take chances. Your popularity is higher 6.3. ______________ now – you may be
juggling a few partners by the end of the year! But remember – 6.4. ______________
several people at the same time always ends in disaster. Good matches Aquarius
shares your need for independence and provides the intellectual challenge you love.
Sagittarius is as sociable 6.5. _______________ you are, and the two of you like
friendly arguments.
A. do
B. make
C. have
A. which
B. whose
C. who
A. than ever
B. of all
C. from before
A. to date
B. dates
C. dating
A. so
B. as
C. like
© Macmillan Polska 2014
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Student’s Worksheet 3
Zadania maturalne, Temat: Unit 8
TASK 7 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (6.1 – 6.5) jednym wyrazem, przekształcając wyrazy podane
w nawiasach w taki sposób, aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst.
(April 21 to May 21)
Venus rules your sign, and as a result, love is very important to you. You’re
a sensual romantic, but since you are an Earth sign, you also have the
7.1. __________________ (PATIENT) to wait and let your love relationship build
slowly from 7.2. __________________ (FRIEND). Your ideal boyfriend or girlfriend
sees the sensitivity beneath your practical skin and helps you relax – sometimes you
take things a little too seriously! Your romantic 7.3. __________________ (FEEL)
continue to intensify this year – a Scorpio or Aries may be the cause. Good matches
Like you, Leo works hard and shares your ambition and 7.4. __________________
(DETERMINED), and you never run out of things to talk about. Pisces may be a little
impractical for you, but shares your 7.5. __________________ (ROMANCE) ideals.
TASK 8 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (8.1 – 8.5), przekształcając jeden z wyrazów z ramki w taki
sposób, aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność logiczna
i gramatyczna wpisywanych wyrazów.
Uwaga: dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.
defi nite sense friend beat you character worry
(December 22 to January 20)
You commit 8.1. ___________ whole-heartedly to love, and you demand equal
devotion from your partner in return. You place loved ones on a pedestal; if they fall
off, they are history. You’re 8.2. ___________, conservative, and rarely sentimental.
You need someone that can see behind all that, into your romantic soul. Your perfect
mate can help you laugh at life – without 8.3. ___________ about the consequences.
Be on guard: you’re about to meet someone incredible. Good matches You and
Libra are born leaders; as a team you’re 8.4. ___________. You also both have
a strong artistic streak. Cancer is your opposite – in the zodiac and in personality.
You’re responsible and self-suffi cient, he is impractical and possessive – but opposites
8.5. ___________ attract.
TASK 9 Write another part of The Lovescope for a different star sign. It doesn’t have to be true.
© Macmillan Polska 2014
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