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Transgressing the Bounds
Recent titles in
r el igion in amer ica ser ies
Harry S. Stout, General Editor
saint s in exil e
The Holiness-Pentecostal Experience in
African American Religion and Culture
Cheryl J. Sanders
our l ady of t he exil e
Diasporic Religion at a Cuban Catholic
Shrine in Miami
Thomas A. Tweed
t aking heaven by st or m
Methodism and the Rise of Popular
Christianity in America
John H. Wigger
encount er s wit h god
An Approach to the Theology of Jonathan
Michael J. McClymond
evangel ical s and science in
hist or ical per spect ive
Edited by David N. Livingstone,
D. G. Hart, and Mark A. Noll
met hodism and t he sout her n
mind, 1770–1810
Cynthia Lynn Lyerly
pr incet on in t he nat ion’s
ser vice
Religious Ideals and Educational Practice,
P. C. Kemeny
chur ch peopl e in t he
st r uggl e
The National Council of Churches and the
Black Freedom Movement,
James F. Findlay, Jr.
t enacious of t heir l iber t ies
The Congregationalists in Colonial
James F. Cooper, Jr.
bl ack zion
African American Religious Encounters with
Yvonne Chireau
Nathaniel Deutsch
r el igion and sex in amer ican
publ ic l if e
Kathleen M. Sands
t r ansgr essing t he bounds
Subversive Enterprises among the Puritan
Elite in Massachusetts, 1630–1692
Louise A. Breen
democr at ic r el igion
Freedom, Authority, and Church Discipline
in the Baptist South, 1785–1900
Gregory A. Wills
t he soul of devel opment
Biblical Christianity and Economic
Transformation in Guatemala
Amy L. Sherman
t he viper on t he hear t h
Mormons, Myths, and the Construction of
Terryl L. Givens
sacr ed companies
Organizational Aspects of Religion and
Religious Aspects of Organizations
Edited by N. J. Demerath III,
Peter Dobkin Hall,
Terry Schmitt, and
Rhys H. Williams
mar y l yon and t he mount
hol yoke missionar ies
Amanda Porterfield
being t her e
Culture and Formation in Two
Theological Schools
Jackson W. Carroll, Barbara G. Wheeler,
Daniel O. Aleshire,
Penny Long Marler
t he char act er of god
Recovering the Lost Literary Power of
American Protestantism
Thomas E. Jenkins
t he r evival of 1857–58
Interpreting an American Religious
Kathryn Teresa Long
amer ican madonna
Images of the Divine Woman in Literary
John Gatta
T ransgressing the B ounds
among the
Puritan Elite
in Massachusetts,
Louise A. Breen
1 2001
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