Lo Contrario Al Amor 2011.txt

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{1002}{1101}www.NapiProjekt.pl - nowa jakosc napisów.|Napisy zostaly specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
{1102}{1150}You can’t have your phone on.
{1161}{1225}Its electromagnetic field
{1231}{1309}deharmonizes the subtle energies|we’re dealing with.
{1346}{1404}lit’s not mine, I don’t have one
{1410}{1444}Sorry, it’s mine.
{1471}{1553}It’s been proved|that cell phones fry your brain
{1563}{1590}They should be banned.
{1596}{1639}Yes, it’s a matter of time.
{1665}{1699}Mom, what’s wrong?
{4260}{4364}Control, this is engine 511 requesting an ambulance...
{4489}{4525}Be honest, Ana Mari.
{4568}{4597}You’re coming back.
{4615}{4657}I see you in front of a camera.
{4674}{4704}What’s more,
{4717}{4760}it has a great impact.
{4769}{4823}- I knew it.|- It’s very clear.
{4843}{4872}They want you back.
{4878}{4904}So do I.
{4910}{4981}I’ve danced so often to your|“Diagnosis: in love”.
{4992}{5026}That song was about me.
{5032}{5097}About you and all women.|The illness of love.
{5103}{5153}When will it happen?|Soon?
{5165}{5219}Don’t be so impatient, Loreto.
{5271}{5320}It’s going to be tough,
{5326}{5368}but it’ll all end well.
{5408}{5458}Doesn’t your sister have any questions?
{5475}{5507}No, no.
{5513}{5576}The cards have something|to tell you.
{5644}{5685}Go on, I’m paying.
{5697}{5748}Don’t worry about me.
{5764}{5813}I like life to surprise me.
{5923}{5955}It will surprise you.
{5963}{6010}Are you in love?
{6077}{6107}I’ve been alone for a year.
{6113}{6149}There’s a new love coming.
{6156}{6209}True love,|the kind that’s very rare.
{6241}{6287}But it all depends on you.
{6307}{6341}I don’t want a boyfriend.
{6381}{6429}When I have one, I don’t like myself
{6504}{6586}It bring out the witch that's inside me.
{6747}{6775}“Big news.“
{6782}{6877}“Fortune teller predicts|triumphant comeback. Ha ha.”
{6883}{6942}Turn that off, I’m never coming with you again.
{6978}{7020}If you’d give up the zen thing,
{7031}{7070}you’d look great in this.
{7076}{7108}Yeah, sure.
{7121}{7193}It was made in Bangladesh|by kids with no shoes.
{7213}{7305}They should be grateful|they’ve got a job.
{7335}{7390}It says China here,|not Bangladesh.
{7396}{7465}It’s you, isn't it?|Or isn’t it you?
{7477}{7514}Depends on who you mean.
{7520}{7565}What a blast!|You’re Loreto Monedero.
{7571}{7675}When I was 14, I dressed up as you|for Carnival in my town.
{7681}{7714}I won second prize!
{7720}{7761}-What an honor!|-This is amazing!
{7767}{7802}In a bar we go to every Friday
{7808}{7877}they always play your song at 3.00 a.m., don’t they?
{7906}{7936}I’ll have to drop by!
{7957}{8032}I know the choreography|of “Diagnosis: in love” by heart.
{8038}{8068}-Really?|-l taught it to my sister.
{8074}{8092}How sweet.
{8098}{8130}No second record?
{8136}{8211}There was one,|but it wasn’t promoted enough.
{8241}{8326}By the way, I’m on Twitter.|Join and spread the word.
{8332}{8367}She updates it|every ten minutes!
{8376}{8420}I love sharing my life|with people.
{8426}{8468}It must be really interesting.
{8490}{8533}- What’s up?|- I dreamed of this!
{8539}{8581}- Stay calm.|- Nobody move!
{8600}{8628}Fire service.
{8634}{8672}I’m Loreto Monedero.
{8678}{8718}You know,|the singer, actress...
{8724}{8776}I can't hear you.|What did you say?
{8798}{8866}I presented “Chill out, buddies”,|remember?
{8872}{8899}The kids’ program.
{8905}{8924}Is it really you?
{8930}{9004}Those "lnterviu" photos|were a shock for the kids.
{9011}{9085}I had to boost my career.|Marisol did it too.
{9091}{9160}If this interew lasts any longer I’ll scream.
{9250}{9272}Everyone OK?
{9313}{9349}Don’t worry.
{9483}{9508}How are you?
{9521}{9545}On duty.
{9551}{9573}Don’t worry.
{9579}{9621}Stop telling me that!
{9642}{9687}Shit, I’ve screwed up my back.
{9703}{9743}Thanks, but I’m not that heavy!
{9792}{9876}You’re very calm. I wish|everyone was like that.
{9894}{9923}The worst was|listening to them.
{9940}{9987}Out of the way, grandpa.
{9993}{10020}Now you.
{10033}{10103}“Stuck in an elevator|with my sister and two fans.”
{10133}{10166}“What a sight.’
{10220}{10245}Thank you.
{10262}{10311}You look familiar|but I don’t know why.
{10333}{10388}PeopIe say that,|but you know what?
{10401}{10441}I’ll soon be more familiar.
{10518}{10560}Are you a masseuse?
{10642}{10713}A metamorphic masseuse,|not like the others.
{10719}{10762}And what’s that?
{10768}{10814}It’s a technique
{10820}{10905}that consists of harmonizing|your psychosomatic balance,
{10911}{10980}but it doesn’t help|with simple lumbago.
{10986}{11014}That’s interesting.
{11020}{11080}Do you do it|in a clinic or at home?
{11466}{11498}Good morning.
{11510}{11567}- How are you?|- Awful, don’t talk to me.
{11574}{11628}I told Santi|to go screw himself.
{11652}{11677}Good morning!
{11688}{11759}My cat had five kittens|last night. It was lovely.
{11765}{11836}Lucky you!|Now you’ve got a family.
{11894}{11940}- What’s her problem?|- The usual.
{12002}{12028}And how are you?
{12041}{12074}I don’t know.
{12087}{12123}I feel kind of
{12173}{12235}My heart is saying:|“Stay calm”,
{12241}{12320}but my head is saying:|“Watch out”. You know?
{12335}{12372}You’re so profound.
{12378}{12427}- How are you?|- Same as ever
{12601}{12658}- What?|- Who do you give our cards to?
{12664}{12696}It’s amazing.
{12702}{12783}There are three gorgeous hunks|asking for you.
{12789}{12890}Share them out, you won’t be able to attend them alli
{13051}{13087}Remember us?
{13093}{13132}Sure, the firemen.
{13140}{13166}It’s a coincidence.
{13181}{13234}We’ve got the same shifts.
{13240}{13271}And the same free time.
{13285}{13330}OK, how can we divide them up?
{13336}{13400}- I’m free right now.|- And so am I.
{13424}{13505}We’re all excellent.|Who’s coming with me?
{13563}{13614}I guess...
{13624}{13675}- We can wait.|- Yeah, we’ll wait.
{13691}{13727}I’m in no hurry.
{13775}{13824}I’m very shy.
{13833}{13904}I need to know someone a bit|before I undress.
{13949}{13968}I see.
{14028}{14059}Who’s first?
{14205}{14249}No, no! That’s not necessary
{14291}{14331}I only work on feet,|hands and head.
{14337}{14377}Not the glutes?
{14398}{14434}They really ache.
{14530}{14559}Isn’t it hot here?
{14565}{14618}Maybe you got me wrong|the other day.
{14624}{14693}- I’m not a physiotherapist.| -No?
{14718}{14732}Know what happens?
{14788}{14836}judge me because I’m good looking.
{14863}{14896}And that’s
{14902}{14939}hard, very hard.
{14945}{15004}Yes, but it’s best|if we don’t talk.
{15010}{15079}With all this touching business
{15126}{15172}a lot of guys|must get a hard on, right?
{15229}{15280}And then I charge extra.|So be careful.
{15318}{15391}I reconnect you|with your prenatal period.
{15397}{15549}You may experience strange feelings|or emotions will be unblocked.
{15555}{15591}That’s strange.
{15747}{15775}What’s happening?
{15851}{15882}What did you do?
{15888}{15924}It’s a gift I have.
{15941}{16004}Let it out, don’t worry|I’m used to this
{16190}{16245} -l don’t feel anything.|- Are u sure?
{16259}{16330}- l feel you’re blocked.|- l feel ticklish.
{16346}{16392}What about my lower back?
{16422}{16477}That was great, reaIIy.
{16509}{16543}It’s been ages since...
{16549}{16593}Yes, it’s very liberating.
{16626}{16671}Call me if you want.
{16684}{16722}To go out,|whatever you want.
{16737}{16801}I swear,|I don’t usually do this,
{16821}{16863}but when I saw you
{16871}{16914}you seemed very special.
{16969}{17015}If you want to have a drink.
{17021}{17069}I’m good on computers too.
{17083}{17141}We can talk more|about “metaphorical” massage.
{19131}{19176}- Are you coming?|- I’m on my way.
{19182}{19222}Did you get him something?
{19228}{19281}Yeah, of course, it’s
{19290}{19321}fantastic, you’ll see.
{19352}{19401}Got to go,|don’t start without me.
{19919}{19979}Sweetheart! Darling!|Happy birthday!
{19986}{20018}Look what mom got you.
{20030}{20094}How old is my boy?
{20120}{20146}How old is he?
{20152}{20191}Remind your mom,|she forgets.
{20201}{20245}- Who am I?|- Loreto.
{20294}{20342}Hello, love.|We finally see you,
{20348}{20391}but only because|it’s Samuel’s birthday.
{20397}{20432}I’m really busy.
{20438}{20464}You’re always busy.
{20509}{20547}One more candle.|Great!
{20691}{20744}You can’t miss|a chance like that.
{20761}{20816}Screw all three|and pick the one you like most.
{20825}{20873}Who do you think I am?|You?
{20912}{20956}Why didn’t they hit on me?
{20978}{21036}I guess I was nervous and sweaty.
{21046}{21082}They seemed kind of dumb.
{21088}{21134}Dumb? They were hunks!
{21161}{21222}You always go with|skinny, complicated guys.
{21228}{21266}We’re complicated enough.
{21316}{21364}Just make the most of it.
{21385}{21420}You’ve dated no one|since Joaquin.
{21426}{21472}She’s better off like that.
{21478}{21506}Don’t listen to her.
{21512}{21551}Mom, we’re talking.
{21560}{21586}Can’t I give my opinion?
{21592}{21640}Is that present safe?
{21646}{21720}It stinks of glue.|You could’ve spent a bit more.
{21731}{21764}I bought him "Toy Story".
{21784}{21812}Then I’ll shut up.
{21818}{21870}Call the dark haired one.|He was the best.
{21876}{21954}No, I didn’t trust him.|The other one seemed nice.
{21960}{21983}Which other?
{21996}{22050}The handsome one had something too.
{22056}{22105}But I’m not calling|any of them.
{22112}{22171}l thought|you might like t...
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