TheBest Of Motion Picture Tunes1.txt

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The Sound Site Best Of Motion Picture Tunes Volume 1

	Name						       Starting Time

01. As Time Goes By- Casablanca and Sleepless In Seattle	0:00:00:00
02. Rain Drops- Butch Casady And The Sun Dance Kid		0:03:00:02
03. The Best That You Can Do- Authur				0:06:07:02
04. Magnificent Seven Theme- The Magnificent Seven		0:10:08:17
05. Tara's Theme- Gone With The Wind				0:14:23:22
06. Pink Panther Theme- The Pink Panther			0:18:09:23
07. A Summer Place- A Summer Place				0:20:56:03
08. My Heart Will Go On- Titanic				0:24:04:02
09. Six Thirty Three Squardon- The Dambusters			0:28:59:01
10. Cavatina- The Deer Hunter					0:32:02:01
11. The Good The Bad The Ugly Theme- The Good The Bad The Ugly	0:35:29:15
12. Lawrence Of Arabia Theme- Lawrence Of Arabia		0:38:48:08
13. Somewhere Out There- America Tail				0:41:49:09
14. James Bond Theme- Doctor No					0:45:44:11
15. Misty- Play Mist For Me					0:47:45:09
16. Valley Of The Dolls Theme- Valley Of The Dolls		0:52:22:09
17. I've Had The time Of My Life- Dirty Dancing			0:55:40:00
18. Shaft- Shaft						1:00:26:25
19. Hymn To The Fallen- Saving Private Ryan			1:02:57:20

Total Run Time 1:05:05:11

Recommended SbLive Settings:

Play Control Volume 50%
Midi Volume 90%

Mixer Bass at 90%
Mixer Treble At 85%

Super Environment Task Set to Custom
Super Environment Preset to Concert Hall

Environmental Audio - Audio HQ Setting to Theater by The Sound Site Or Arena

Best Regards and Enjoy the Music,

The Music Man
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