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Description: Static and dynamic plasma reactors.


We refer to the priority of European patent application Nr. EP 05447221 dated October 3, 2005, and European patent application Nr. EP 05447236 dated October 20, 2005, introduced by the same inventor.

Above mentioned patent applications have extensive descriptions and several claims methods were described and claims were made related to new plasma reactors.

This new patent-application contains many of the basic ideas disclosed and claimed  in the previous patent applications in more detailed way or in variations. There are also methods described which were not disclosed in the abovementioned patent applications.

A very important part of this new patent applications is related to static plasma reactors which can work temperature and pressure independent. Non of such type of plasma reactor were ever used or disclosed in in prior art.


It is very important to notice from the beginning that the magnetic fields which are disclosed and described in this patent application are in principle NOT caused or triggered by placement inside or outside the reactor of solid magnets, but the magnetic fields are caused and created through a dynamic core or containment using plasma and charged particles and their loose electrons, specifically created by placement of radioactive material inside the core which itself could be static or dynamic. This systems bares no resemblance to the way or method which any of the following patents applies to it: W0 02/05292 A, US 4 428 193 A, US 4 831 627 A, and US 2003/002611. Non of those prior art disclosed reactors will work without external intervention, such as having an initial heating source, or an initial electromagnetic device, or bringing the reactor core under a certain pressure. All our reactors, also these disclosed in the first two applications – even is they are equipped with internal or external means or devices -  can create energy without any of such means or devices. And this created energy is capable to generate itself sufficient conditions to provoke internally self-generated turbulence, heat, current, magnetic fields and other events which need in prior art an initial triggering intervention. In our case(s) we don’t need such. If we use the right choice of containment materials, in combination with the choice of right ratio of the nuclear material in conjunction with the right ratio of the initial materials, we create the necessary environment and conditions to achieve a useful self-balancing system to generate energy and preferred physical phenomena, this an a programmable way.


The majority of the claims are supported by various tests of working prototypes in labo environment, such as the production of currents and voltage in a static plasma reactor, the production of graphene at room temperature, creation of power, CO2 separation, creation of a single magnetic field in a dynamic core, creation of atomic hydrogen without the intervention of any heat or pressure in quantities to support continuous ionization enough to create current and voltage, and plasma which can be use in dynamic condition for the creation of magnetic fields as it happens in planetary systems, miniature batteries (0.0001/M3), etc. Since this type of basic static plasma reactor – producing energy at room temperature and without artificial pressure – thus Temperature Independent (TI) and Pressure Independent (PI) - is totally new we claim a large numbers of specific methods to be used in TIPI  plasma reactors. Under this name we consider also reactors which are equipped with intervening means but which can perform also all interactions without using them.


We disclose first a new method and chemo-nuclear, bio-nuclear and/or bio-chemo-nuclear process, to generate by nuclear fusion or semi-fusion or combination of fusion and fission, in a controlled way - in a closed environment (120,140) like a reactor (which has at least one cavity in an embodiment and which can have one or more opening/closing means) a number of interactions which are triggered by nuclear radiation. Important is to notice that almost all of these interactions happen in a normal atmospheric condition.  Some require a pressure-less vacuum condition, or a mixture of both individually in two adjacent cores with the same intermediary wall, which due to interactions stated below conditions in this claim, can lead to the creation of pressure, temperature differences, passive 3D-magnetic field(s), current, dynamic motion.


The reactor is which such actions and reactions can happen is relatively simple, for example it can be a closed embodiment or container (140A) with one cavity (122), one closing means (140B), one liquid mixture (125D), one nuclear source (116), two terminals to collect current (118, 129). One of our first prototype was a simple – empty – cola bottle.


Such reactor is filled with initial materials. In the first stage a number of new sub-atomic and sub-nuclear particles and energies, atomic and molecular elements of the periodic table and their isotopes (which did not existed in the initial state in the environment or which were not present in these quantities) are created based on the said initial materials.


This happens by means of the interaction of the radiation (128) of specifically chosen radioactive source(s)(123, 124, 126, 116, 127)(like of low radiation i.e. 0.1-millirem) with said specifically chosen initial chemical or biological material(s) or both.


The initial materials can be gasses or mixture of gasses, vapor, plasma, liquids or mixture of liquids, or mixture of liquid gasses and/or solid materials inside a liquid, and dark matter, or any mixture of all the five states of matter, i.e. 20% liquid (144) + 20% solid (143A, 143B, 143C, 143D) + 60% mixture of gasses.

All processing happens in a cavity, without  the use or need in the cavity or outside the cavity for any electromagnetic source (i.e. a solid magnet or coil), Ultra-violet source, heat source, introduction of pressure to an ambient condition, electronic device(s) or components (like a capacitor, a battery, a resonance circuit, etc.), motion means, and without the use of any external intervention. This is very important since in the actual state-of-the-art or prior art, these tools or devices are the triggering factors or conditions for the creation of atomic or molecular elements, i.e. an electrical input intervention will be used to initiate internal processes, or the positioning of magnets or coils around the cavity. We don’t need such!


The specifically chosen nuclear source(s) – preferable alpha and beta sources - are brought - within one or more cavities in the reactor - into contact or in interacting reach with said specifically chosen initial materials in their correct composition(s).


This nuclear interaction with the initial materials will perform the desired interaction(s) to create (or generate or liberate) new sub-particles, atoms and/or isotopes, molecules, dark matter, plasma and energies in the first stage, and - in the second stage - said radioactive source interactions will then also interact with the newly released, and/or with sub-particles, atoms and/or isotopes, molecules, dark matter, plasma and energies already present in the embodiment. Important to notice already here that some isotopes can be radioactive, which implicates that the mixture, in conjunction with the existing nuclear sources, has self-generated new nuclear sources which radiation will also participate in the whole process.


This will lead to the creation of plasma, energies (in electromagnetic wave-length), the release of sub-atomic, sub-nuclear particles, electrons, dark matter (for example from the creation of atomic or molecular hydrogen), and passive magnetic field(s) (like magnetic field known within the magnetosphere of earth), where not only said material(s) is the source of the atomic or molecular element(s), but the created element(s) (atoms and/or molecules) is automatically ionized by the same radiation source(s) which leads again to the creation of plasma and the creation of plasma, energies (in electromagnetic wave-length), the release of sub-atomic, sub-nuclear particles, electrons, dark matter, and passive magnetic field(s) or by any other radiations source(s) inside one or more cavities in/off the embodiment.


The said new released materials or components in interaction with matters like metallic or semi-metallic materials (which where in the initial material(s) or in the embodiment) will lead to the creation of desired magnetic field(s). Said interactions in conjunction with the energy from the radioactive material can provoke also changes of polarities of flow of the charges within the initial material and polarity of the whole system.


This can lead also to the creation in difference(s) of electric potency (voltage) and electrons movements (current 149) which can - if desired - be collected by at least one terminal (118, 178) if the reactor is equipped with such terminal means.


So a reactor is filled with initial materials. Inside is at least a nuclear source. Next to normal chemical interactions between the elements inside the initial materials the nuclear radiation provokes in a large number of the initial material transformations which bring new materials into the mixture. These react with a number of the initial materials and with the radiation. This leads for example to the creation of plasma, energies in electromagnetic wave-length, the release of sub-atomic and sub-nuclear particles and electrons, the creation of dark matter and passive magnetic field(s).


In above method there were no intervening means. However we claim also the method and chemo-nuclear, bio-nuclear and/or bio-chemo-nuclear process, by nuclear fusion or semi-fusion or combination of fusion and fission, as described above, where the reactor may be equipped – inside and/or outside - with one or more of next devices or sources, like a ultra-violet source, a electromagnetic source (i.e. an inside magnet or coil), a heat source, a system which introduces pressure to an ambient condition, electronic device(s) or components (like a capacitor, a battery, a resonance circuit, etc.) and/or motion means. But where the reactor is still able to perform preferred reactions – explicitly all interactions and reactions as described in claim 1 - such as the creation of plasma and of atomic hydrogen - even if all above mentioned devices or sources are not activated, but where said devices or sources may - being activated - accelerated the preferred processes or may alter partially the outcome, such as enlarge the output(s). So even if the reactor has extra intervening means, he still can provide the preferred interactions without using these extra tools. So whatever reactor concept is described in this patent application, these reactors will always be able to perform the interactions and energies and phenomena as described in our first claim. But, by using certain tools, like using an external  motion mechanism we can create larger magnetic fields.


Next we describe that by the right choice of material within one or more cavities and/or the correct choice of the containment(s) itself, some of the energy - released through scintillation - will be released in visible electromagnetic waves, like the white light, blue light, etc, which these lights could be of mono-magnetic waves of higher order which this itself is/can be of the order of a laser, where this beam itself can become a source of ionization of the initial material(s) within the containment or the containment material itself, for example such laser energy be made to ionize the hydrogen atoms leading to the creation of plasma and current (see Fig. 39A and 39B). The method to create scintilla and EUV in a TIPI reactor is disclosed later in the description.


We claim next the Method and the chemo-nuclear, bio-nuclear and/or bio-chemo-nuclear process to synthesize - under specific conditions of composition of initial material(s) and nuclear source(s)(such as alpha and/or beta), and controllable sub-sequential process steps - to generate new desired atoms and molecules in the core, for example creation of new stable material(s), which are not made available by the prior art. As example we can create atoms of the element 113 (Uut) and 115 (Uup) of the Periodic table, where a shared free electron or the hydrogen plasma within the initial material in cooperation with already existing metal(s) in the mixture of isotope iron-58 in presence of the radioactive source decay to isotope iron-57, and isotope iron-57 in the same mixture with the loose of one electron becomes isotope iron-56, and with an availability of a free electron within the mixture by sharing of such free electron created by the ionization of hydrogen atom with isotope iron-56 and isotope iron-57 the element-113 (Uut) can be achieved, knowing that due to the motion of the free electrons within the liquid and the availability of metal iron, the liquid within the containment does already posses a molecular magnetic field environment which can facilitate the inter-atomic welding (or sharing of the electron between two element within a magnetic environment) for the creation of element-113 (Uut), element-114 (Uuq) and element-115 (Uup) depending on the availability of the free isotopes elements at the point of sharing.


As the new elements will be magnetically neutral these new atoms will be of the order of dark matter, even thou the element has a heavier mass than the founding elements (iron), it will be invisible due to the balancing free electron shared between the two sub-elements, (This is the confirmation of the creation of dark matter within the core) where the new element (i.e. 113) possesses both magnetic characteristics of the original iron atoms, with the difference that for the two atoms to combine to make the new molecule, which in reality is a new atom of 113, will posses a balanced magnetic field characteristics, interlocked to gather due to in reverse magnetic polarity of the two founding atoms. (This is the confirming the creation of dark matter), where this new way of quasi instant combining and recombining elements and isotopes is temperature independent, and can be replicated for any and between any atoms, and their isotopes, or and of any element within the periodic table; where the creation of new elements of higher ordered will be achieved through electron, proton and neutron sharing, rather than method of fusion where a very large amount of energy is required to cross the coulomb barriers to attain the fusion of two simple atoms like hydrogen, where by method of inter-atomic shearing fusion can be achieved rather simple and at ambient temperature and pressure.   

We claim also the method and chemo-nuclear, bio-nuclear and/or bio-chemo-nuclear process to create - even in temperature independent conditions - a magnet parallel for any element within the periodic table, e.g. a magnet which can only attracts copper, only attracts cadmium, or only attracts uranium, which allows, for example, the use of such magnetic means for purification/separation systems and to attract in guided liquid water streams pollutant elements from contaminated surface and groundwater, and dialysis machines and to replace the existing centrifuge systems. This physical possibility is actually unknown in prior art. The design of such magnets will include the embodiments which encloses the relevant elements which share proton(s), neutron(s) and electron(s), in function of the desired attraction of repulsion.


The composition of said initial material will be preferable where a liquid material is a mixture of liquid states of elements generally known as “metals”, and where the activity modulating compound is of the formula A-B-C-D-E-F or where the chemical acceptable liquid thereof wherein the groups A through F have the values:

(a) R.sub.1 is selected from the group consisting of alkali metals (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr)

(b) R.sub.2 is selected from the group consisting of Alkaline earth metals (Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra)

(c) R.sub.3 is selected from the group consisting of transition metals (Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Rf, Db, Sg, Bh, Hs, Mt, Ds, Rg, Uub);

(d) R.sub.4 is selected from the group consisting of poor metals (Al, Ga, In, Sn, Ti, Pb, Bi, Uut, Uuq, Uup, Uuh);

(e) R.sub.5 is selected from the group consisting of actinides (Ac, Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md, No, Lr);

(f) R.sub.6 is selected from the group consisting of lanthanides (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu);

(g) R.sub.7 is a liquid containing hydrogen,

Above-mentioned compounds – mentioned under Rosa - can be in any combination, and in any quantity be part of said initial materials. By introducing “metals” into said initial material(s) one of the essential conditions can be reached by having a correct composed cosmogony mixture that will deliver – after scintilla and ionization - sufficient basic nuclei to provoke by attraction or repulsion of electrons and sub-particles a number of dynamic internal processes like the creation of local current(s) and their surrounding magnetic fields, and the creation of local heat that will create additional turbulence inside the mixture. The choice of the composition will determinate in what extend the desired magnetic fields and turbulence is reached. A right combination of liquid may for example contain more than 10 different metals which are mixed together in a water-bound solution with K or Na. Also the degree of saturation will have an influence on, for example, the possibility to create currents.

We claim also a new method and a chemo-nuclear, bio-nuclear and/or bio-chemo-nuclear process controlled creation of magnetic fields, in conjunction - due to the (production) liberation of free charged particles (i.e. electrons and plasmas, or dark matter) - and for example the solid metallic matter which is atomic or molecular state and diluted in liquid or gas mixture, and a dynamic metallic liquid and/or the containment (reactor), when in motion or static, (by law of physics - inter action of the moving matter and of the charged particles or the current of electrons, leads to creation of magnetic fields). That leads to the controlled creation of magnetic fields within the liquid and it’s surrounding containment in a molecular or atomic level, where the energy within a molecule is a combination of electron(s) and it’s nucleus, and the energy possessed by plasma or the nucleus is higher value energy, therefore the magnetic field created by plasma or charged nucleus will be number of order of magnitude higher then magnetic fields created by electron regalement in solid magnet(s), due to the weight of the charged particle(s), like plasma, where magnetic fields created by plasma is several of thousands of times more powerful then magnetic fields created by regalement of electrons in a solid magnet.


Therefore it is our understanding that double magnetic fields of planets are also created on molecular and atomic level, and should be called passive magnetic fields. Their concept is different from traditional solid state magnets like we know them in our daily life. In normal solid state magnets the magnetic fields are positioned locally by the use of a strong man-made magnetic field to have an artificial ordering the atoms or molecules in a preferred structure. On cosmogenic level there is not such artificial system and magnetic fields are generated and switching polarities depending of the strength of surrounding dynamics. These dynamics can however be programmed and controlled in a closed environment like our closed reactor. Here I want to make it clear that when we speak in this patent application about a “closed” reactor, we also mean a reactor that may can receive – during it’s processing – additional materials. These can be introduced by valves or opening/closing systems. The term “closed” means that over a certain period of time all processes happen under the same or almost identical conditions, but for example, when we change the position of a nuclear source, that – of course – may change the internal interactions within the reactor. Similar the external addition of more metals of a certain type into the reactor may influence the saturation level and have an effect on the production of internal currents, etc.


We claim also the magnetic fields, as described above, which are created in different hardware layers of core(s) of our the reactor, or by interacting layers of liquids - such as metallic liquid layers - or by interacting layers of the plasma’s inside the core(s). It is important to understand that the composition of the wall of a cavity can play an important role in the total chemo-nuclear, bio-nuclear and/or bio-chemical nuclear process. By designing a core we can program the overall result or outcome. Plasma’s or gasses can combine with elements of the wall, or in example elements in the metallic paint or coating on the wall. Such new combinations on atomic or molecular level can create new magnetic fields, which on their turn can provoke inter-atomic fusion.


We claim additionally the new method and chemo-nuclear and bio-nuclear process to create turbulence inside one or more cavities of the closed TIPI-reactor, where the introduction of certain elements of the periodic table will create internal turbulence and motion inside of the gasses, metal(s) and liquid(s), and plasma(s) which - in specific combinations - will lead to a dynamic movement of the matters inside the cavity(ies), in example; Al, where the interaction of element Al and element K can create rapid heat which leads to turbulence and motion of the liquid and gas(ses), and can lead to changes of state of the elements of such gas(ses) and liquid(s), leading to increase in the strength of the magnetic field within the core due to rapid motion of the elements within the containment without physically moving or increasing the speed of the rotation or motion of the embodiment of the core itself. Also the element Ar can play an important role in the interactions related to turbulence. One metallic material vapor (i.e. K, Na, Ca, Mg) or liquid metallic element layer can be brought between at least two layers of inert gasses (i.e. H, He, Ne, Xr), what will create – without rotation or adjustable speed of rotation and if the correct element combinations are used – a magnetic field by the added metallic type layer(s), in example: element Na between 20Ne and 40Ar 40, or 41Ar) causing a recurring process of motion (turbulence) and of creation of magnetic field(s), where for example if atomic K is used in the reactor, where K - through beta decay - lead to creation of Argon and the by-product of scintillation for example Neon gas or the Argon itself leading to ionization of the gasses (i.e. Hydrogen) leading to creation of free electron for creation of current and the establishment of plasma within the cavity. By the use of metallic or semi-metallic materials in the form of vapor or solid or any other state of matter in between different layers of the initial material(s) when in motion within the cavity can lead to the creation of magnetic fields due to the passing of the electrons which created by ionization passing through this metallic or semi-metallic material which is in rotation within the core, and this is a self-sustaining energy system.


Next we claim the method to create double magnetic fields in a closed TIPI-reactor. The energy input of radioactive source(s) leads to the change of the direction of polarities of the current(s), and this may lead to the change of the polarities of the magnetic fields in one or both cores. A reactor cavity or core contains billions of elements from which a large part are in decay and recombination processes, and therefore there is a constant hangmen of polarities in many of these local transformations, and they result in collective magnetic fields with internal dynamics. This can lead – in more extreme situations - to a complete change of polarity in a system. This is similar to the switching of the magnetic field of earth. Such general polarity switch can be programmed in the reactor, for example, by adding specific materials to the mixture and re-position the nuclear sources, or by generating in the mixture radioactive isotopes as a short-living intermediary nuclear source. This method also applies for the use in a  multi-layered core.


An important method is claimed to nuclear decay and recombine in a programmable way elements of the periodic table and their isotopes by provoking - in a closed TIPI-reactor - as described in claims 1 and 2 - equipped with or containing nuclear sources and the correctly chosen initial material(s) - on the atomic and molecular level controlled magnetic fields, including the strength of these magnetic fields and the direction of their polarities, - new method called the Magnetic bio-chemical-nuclear method - where it is possible to generate for just fractions of time new intermediate processing atoms and molecules - not limited to catalysts - for example where in normal chain of reactions would oxidize (i.e. H20 and K), but now before oxidation can happen elements in their own environment already decay or recombine with other atoms, molecules, isotopes, ions, free electrons or fundamental particles, where the emitted radiation from the source or the being initiated by the energy from the source, this can  prevents certain known chemical or biological combination all in presence of or in absence of magnetic fields created by the same material themselves in their own environment, for example, expedition of the decay of 40K by receipt of energy from the radioactive source leading to emission of Beta ray and Argon gas (Fig. 30), where the violent interaction of K and water can be prevented and the additional emitted radiation can cause the ionization of hydrogen through scintillations process. This method is never disclosed in prior art, neither in physics.


The next method we claim is the method and the chemo-nuclear, bio-nuclear and/or bio-chemo-nuclear process to create heat at the required temperature - without the applications of any pressure - within a reactor, as described in claim 1 or 2, where the percentage of the metal mixture and the choice of the metallic mixture allows the creation of large amount of hydrogen plasma and the liberation of a vast amount of electrons (see Fig. 30) - in presence of a magnetic element like oxygen (O) and in presence of a radioactive source (i.e. Th, Fr) within the embodiment - which this can lead to creation of large amount of heat due to the absorption of electrons from the metallic material (i.e. Na, K) within the embodiment and the energy released by energized electron within the intermediately material before its return to it’s ground state level, where the electron can be absorbed by the hydrogen plasma and returning it back to atomic or molecular hydrogen, before the same process to be repeated, where the energy of the radioactive source is converted to heat not only through the energy of the photon from electrons of the ionized hydrogen atom but also in addition by the electron which has been acquired by the hydrogen plasma from the atomic material (metal) within the embodiment, for example where hydrogen atom ionized through scintillation will acquire an electron (i.e. from K within the liquid) leading to the creation of heat and the freed electron will release it’s energy to the Ar, this leading to generation of heat in two ways simultaneously with the material of the embodiment, where this heat can be transferred through for example convection through the embodiment of the confinement, where the additional heat could be absorbed from the outer boundary from the embodiment for heating liquid, gasses or any other mixture, where this heat can be used for dissemination, desalination, to boil water or to create steam for turbines.


We claim a closed environment, thus a TIPI-reactor with one or more cavities or cores, called a reactor, in which the new atoms or molecules, or isotopes of them, as described in claim 1, and plasma, recombine by the energy supplied by the radioactive source(s) to attain extra electrons from other elements within the mixture for them to return and/or recombine to return to their original state or atomic or molecular composition, which is the basis for self-sustaining processes. For example: where the free electrons can be attained from the metal and hydrogen plasma can return to hydrogen atom and recombine with available oxygen atoms to create water, and for the hydrogen atom to go thought the same ionization process again by the radioactive material source (see Fig. 31).


We claim also the method to create differences of electric potency (voltage) and electrons movements (current) in a closed container (TIPI-reactor):

a.              which is built from materials means which resist the interactions of inside chemical and/or biological material(s) with nuclear sources or stays stable under said interactions during the preferred processing time,

b.              which is equipped with at least one cavity to process said interactions,

c.              which is equipped with at least one opening means to transport initial materials and/or nuclear sources into the reactor;

d.              which is equipped with at least one closing means (140B) to close said opening,

e.              which can be equipped initially with nuclear means (i.e. a nuclear source hanger 116A, a nuclear source fixed in or on a wall 123, 124, 116B, a nuclear source located in a separate cavity 126), further called fixed nuclear structures,

f.              which can be equipped initially with mechanical means (221C) to enter a nuclear source (211B) into the preferred interacting reach with the targeted material(s), further called movable nuclear structures,

g.              which can be equipped with nuclear shielding or protective means to protect the surrounding if the level of emitted radiation is considered to be hazardous,

h.              which is equipped with at least one terminal to transport electrons (current) to  the outside of the reactor,

but which is not equipped with:

i.              mechanical hardware means to create inside motion of the materials or outside motion of the reactor itself,

j.              any electromagnetic device (i.e. an inside magnet or coil),

k.              any ultra-violet device (i.e. a lamp),

l.              any heat-producing hardware (i.e. microwave emitting device),

m.              any electronic device or component (like a capacitor, a battery, a resonance circuit, etc.) to ,


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