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Hidden and Uncontrolled – On the
Emergence of Network
Steganographic Threats
Steffen Wendzel 1 , Wojciech Mazurczyk 2 ,
Luca Caviglione 3 , Michael Meier 1
1 Cyber Defense Research Group, Fraunhofer FKIE, Bonn, Germany
{steffen.wendzel, michael.meier}
² Institute of Telecomm., Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
3 Institute of Intelligent Systems for Automation (ISSIA),
National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Genoa, Italy
Network steganography is the art of hiding secret information within innocent network transmissions.
Recent findings indicate that novel malware is increasingly using network steganography. Similarly,
other malicious activities can profit from network steganography, such as data leakage or the exchange
of pedophile data. This paper provides an introduction to network steganography and highlights its po-
tential application for harmful purposes. We discuss the issues related to countering network steganog-
raphy in practice and provide an outlook on further research directions and problems.
1 Introduction
Steganography is known to be a technology used since thousands of years; its purpose is to
embed a secret message into an innocent looking carrier. Digital media steganography embeds
secret data into digital structures, including digital videos, digital audio files, and digital im-
age files. Within recent years, a novel part of steganography arose, namely network steganog-
raphy . Network steganography transfers secret data over a network by hiding secret infor-
mation into legitimately appearing transmissions [LuWS10].
In comparison to cryptography, steganography aims at hiding the existence of a secret mes-
sage while cryptography aims on hiding the content of a message. Both technologies cryptog-
raphy and steganography are orthogonal and can be combined, i.e. a secret message can be
encrypted and afterwards it can be hidden using steganography.
Steganography is applied when the detection of the plain existence of a secret message can
cause harm to the transmitters or another party. For instance, if illicit information is transmit-
ted by journalists over a part of the Internet facing censorship within a dictatorship, the appli-
cation of network steganography can protect the journalist from being caught while only en-
crypting the transmission raises attention. As network steganography is a dual-use good, it
Hidden and Uncontrolled – On the Emergence of Network Steganography
can also be applied for malicious purposes, including the hidden transmission of command
and control (C&C) information for botnets or for the hidden exchange of pedophile content.
In this paper, we first provide a background on network steganography and afterwards high-
light recent developments in the field. We show network steganography’s potential for mali-
cious activities and discuss the application of countermeasures in the context of these novel
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides fundamentals while
Section 3 covers recent developments within the theme. Section 4 provides an outlook on the
possible future of network steganography for malicious purposes and Section 5 deals with the
question of how to counter network steganography in practice. Section 6 concludes our dis-
2 Fundamentals
Before covering the state of the art in network steganography, this section provides a brief in-
troduction into the theme and highlights selected use-cases for the technology.
2.1 Basic Concepts
The term network steganography was coined and first introduced by Szczypiorski in 2003
[Szczy03] and it embraces all the methods that embed secret data within innocent looking
network transmissions. Therefore, it is necessary to define a way in which sender and receiver
exchange the secret data, i.e. both communicators must agree on a signaling technique in ad-
vance and create a so-called covert channel over which the hidden data is transmitted. The
term covert channel was initially introduced in operating system research by Lampson as a
channel not intended for a communication [Lamp73]; later the term was defined as policy-
breaking communication channel by the U.S. Department of Defense [Depa85].
Hundreds of techniques can be applied to create a covert channel; some of the most common
techniques are to place secret data into unused fields of network protocol headers or to change
the size of network packets. Also it is common to manipulate inter packet gaps (IPG), i.e. the
time between network packets, and the order of network packets. Moreover, the order of
header elements (e.g. HTTP plaintext header lines) can be altered or artificial errors can be in-
troduced into a transmission. A comprehensive analysis and categorization of more than hun-
dred known techniques can be found in [WZFH14].
2.2 The Malicious Applications of Network Steganography
The use-cases for network steganography and steganography in general are manifold but as
indicated in recent research are mainly linked to illicit purposes [ZiMS14]. A well-known ex-
ample is the exchange of child pornography using steganography as part of Operation Twins
in 2002 and the exfiltration of data from the U.S. Department of Justice in 2008 where sensi-
tive financial data was stolen. Other cases are the leakage of classified information from the
U.S. to Russia by a Russian spy ring in 2010 and the application of steganography in the Du-
qu and Alureon malware [ZiMS14].
While most of these examples were based on traditional digital media steganography (espe-
cially digital image steganography) network steganography can be found “in the wild” as
well. The rise of network steganography is thereby supported by two factors which make it
superior in comparison to digital media steganography [ZiMS14]. Firstly, the space for data to
be transferred is not limited in the same way as with a given media object (e.g. an image file)
Hidden and Uncontrolled – On the Emergence of Network Steganography
as new data can be transmitted on demand while the capacity of a media object is limited.
Secondly, network transmissions are harder to analyze in digital forensics as only parts of the
data are stored – if the transmitted data is stored at all.
In particular, network steganographic techniques are available since 1987 in research when
first network covert channel techniques were presented [Girl87] and since the mid-90s in the
hacking community that brought up tools like LOKI2 [Daem97] or Ping Tunnel [Stod09]. The
tools provided by the hacking community embed hidden data in a simple way into the payload
of ICMP echo messages or the payload of UDP messages – just to mention a few. The tools
are available for free on-line, i.e. accessible for everyone. It was only a matter of time till
malware started to apply network steganography to conceal its transmissions. For instance, a
recent Linux malware called Linux.Fokirtor hides data within SSH transmissions [Prin13].
3 Recent Developments in Network Steganography
The recent years of academic research led to even more sophisticated network steganographic
techniques. These techniques do not only improve the stealthiness (or covertness ) of the cre-
ated covert channels but also extensively enhance the capabilities of the steganographic com-
munication [WenK14].
3.1 Shift in the Hidden Data Carrier Selection
The predecessors of current sophisticated network steganography methods were utilizing
mainly different fields of TCP/IP stack protocols’ headers as a hidden data carrier and they
focused on the embedding of secret data in the unused or reserved fields. However, recently
we have experienced the change in the hidden data carrier selection. Now, the most favorable
carrier is the one that is very commonly used so it is hard to spot a single steganographic
communication along a vast volume of similar network traffic (“a needle in a hay stack”).
Moreover, steganographers tend to exploit higher layers applications and services and the
methods are crafted in such a way to exploit their characteristic features.
Recent information hiding solutions utilize as hidden data carrier: (i) popular Internet services
like Skype, BitTorrent or Google search, (ii) new networking environments e.g. cloud compu-
ting and technologies like wireless networks and (iii) novel communication devices like
Popular Internet Services
Practically every popular Internet service can be exploited by steganographers if it goes with
enough volume of traffic that can be altered to produce the covert channel. One such example
is IP telephony service which can be considered a fairly recent discovery however until now a
decent number of techniques were proposed [Mazu14].
One of the steganographic methods of this kind is TranSteg (Transcoding Steganography),
[MaSS12] which is based on the general idea of transcoding (lossy compression) of the voice
data from a higher bit rate codec, and thus greater voice payload size, to a lower bit rate codec
with smaller voice payload size (which should be performed with the least degradation in
voice quality possible). In other words, compression of the covert data is utilized to free space
for hidden data bits.
Other methods target even more currently popular peer-to-peer (p2p) services like Skype and
BitTorrent. For the first solution a steganographic method named SkyDe (Skype Hide) has
been proposed by Mazurczyk et al. [MaKS2013]. As a hidden data carrier encrypted Skype
Hidden and Uncontrolled – On the Emergence of Network Steganography
voice packets are used. By taking advantage of the high correlation between speech activity
and packet size, packets without voice signal can be identified and used to carry secret data by
replacing the encrypted silence with secret data bits. In the second case the method named
StegTorrent has been introduced for the BitTorrent application [KoMS13]. It benefits from
the fact that, in BitTorrent there are usually many-to-one transmissions, and that for one of its
specific protocols – μTP – the header provides means for packets’ numbering and retrieving
their original sequence. Thus this characteristic feature allows to mark each packet leaving the
transmitter regardless of the connection it was sent from so the synchronization is not re-
quired. StegTorrent functions based on intentional BitTorrent data packet resorting at the re-
ceiver to achieve the desired packet sequences.
It was also proved that information hiding is possible also by simply performing a series of
innocent-looking Google searches. The StegSuggest steganographic method [BiMS11] targets
the feature Google Suggest which lists the 10 most popular search phrases given a string of
letters a user has entered in Google’s search box. The hidden data transmitter intercepts the
traffic exchanged between Google’s servers and the hidden data receiver’s browser when
some Google search is initiated. Then, the packets traveling from Google to the hidden data
receiver are intercepted and modified by adding a unique word to the end of each of the 10
phrases Google suggests. The choice of phrases is made from a list of 4096 common English
words, so the new phrases do not look too suspicious. Then the receiver extracts each added
word and converts it into a 10-bit sequence using a previously shared lookup table.
New Networking Environments and Technologies
The cloud computing environment can be also exploited to enable covert communication. Ris-
tenpart et al. [RTSS09] showed that it is possible to perform cross-virtual machine infor-
mation leakage by introducing a wide range of techniques for obtaining confidential data by
probing the values of shared-cache load, CPU load, keystroke activity, and similar.
Covert communication possibilities have been also recently considered for Content-Centric
Networks (CCNs) which are envisaged to replace current IP-based Internet in the future.
Ambrosini et al. [ACGT14] inspected the potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited for in-
formation hiding purposes. They focus on so called ephemeral covert communication where
the communicating parties are not exchanging any packets directly instead they intentionally
influence the content of the router’s cache and the delay in its responses to embed and extract
hidden data bits. Hidden messages are then present in the cache only for the limited time peri-
od and later they are automatically deleted from the network without any additional, required
Information hiding techniques also target wireless networks, are considered a very popular
and dynamically evolving network steganography subfield where different standards can be
subject to covert communication. For example, for WLANs, Szczypiorski and Mazurczyk
have introduced a method called WiPad (Wireless Padding) [SzcW11]. The technique is
based on the insertion of hidden data into the padding of frames at the physical layer of
WLANs. A similar concept was also utilized e.g. for LTE (Long Term Evolution) [GraS14].
Other promising future-network protocols, like, for example, the SCTP (Stream Control
Transmission Protocol) which is a candidate for new transport layer protocol, and might re-
place TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) protocols,
turned out to be also prone to steganography. A detailed analysis in [FrMS12a] revealed ste-
ganographic vulnerabilities that could be utilized for information hiding with a focus on new
features and characteristic of SCTP, such as multi-homing and multi-streaming.
Hidden and Uncontrolled – On the Emergence of Network Steganography
Novel Communication Devices
The recent wave of smartphones is equipped with hardware capabilities previously only avail-
able in standard desktops or laptops. They now integrate into a unique tool functionalities his-
torically offered by different devices, for instance the camera or the Global Positioning Sys-
tem (GPS). Besides, advancements in wireless connectivity allow connecting to the Internet
by using different standards, such as the IEEE 802.11, 3G/4G or the LTE. Therefore,
smartphones are now used to exchange and store high volumes of personal data, interact with
Online Social Networks (OSNs) and in the daily working practice. The latter is also account-
ing for new paradigms, for instance the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). To handle such
complexity, modern smartphones are equipped with an OS having a degree of sophistication
comparable to desktop counterparts. In some cases, mobile OSs are ports of desktop-class
versions, e.g., Android runs a Linux kernel. However, the vocation of storing sensitive data
by-design requires proper additional layers to ensure security and confidentiality of data.
While different techniques exist, the most popular idea is to rely on sandboxes, i.e., execution
environments forcing a process (application) to not access sensitive data or portion of the
In this perspective, steganographic possibilities are dramatically multiplied in smartphones for
the following reasons: (i) the multimedia capability enables to create and use a wide variety of
carriers, such as, audio, video, pictures, or Quick-Response (QR) Codes; (ii) the availability
of a full featured TCP/IP stack, as well as the possibility of interact with desktop-class ser-
vices lead to a complete reutilization of all the network methods already available for standard
computing devices or appliances; (iii) the richness of the adopted OS permit to develop so-
phisticated applications, thus making covert channels based on VoIP and p2p exploitable.
However, the most active trend in research and development of steganography methods for
smartphones consciously neglect network methods. Firstly, the security layers used in mobile
OSs turn out to be barely adequate. Secondly, many manufacturers enforce users to install
software only from verified sources (see, e.g., iOS which only permit software provided by
the Apple AppStore) that deeply inspect the software before the publishing stage, thus early
detecting malicious threats. Summarizing, the real challenge for smartphone steganography is
not only “ using network to exfiltrate data ”, but “ acquire the data to be exfiltrated ” and “ gain
access to the network ” [MazC14].
Therefore, network steganography in smartphones is almost always jointly used with a local
covert channel . While, the former can be implemented by directly borrowing methods from
desktops, the latter is the actual technological enabler for data exfiltration. The paradigmatic
use case of a local covert channel, considers two processes, P1 and P2, each one running in a
sandbox S1 and S2, respectively. Specifically, S1 and S2 have been configured to prevent da-
ta leaking. For instance, if P1 can access the address book, S1 will impede to use network in-
terfaces. Let us assume then P1 is a malware wanting to exfiltrate the address book, while P2
is companion application (often named a colluding application in many research works) look-
ing innocuous. This security mechanism is typically bypassed as follows: P1 leaks data to P2
via covert channel, and P2, after receiving the data, will use network steganography to contact
a remote facility in a stealthy manner.
The first work implementing such a mechanism is a malware called SoundComber [SZIK11],
which is able to capture personal user data, like the digits entered on the keypad of the device
during a phone call. It can use up to four different methods to enable the two colluding pro-
cesses to communicate: 1) by embedding secrets in well-defined patterns of toggling the vi-
bration; 2) by hiding data within changes in the volume level of the ringtone; 3) by lock-
ing/unlocking the screen; 4) by concurrently competing in a coordinated flavor on a file lock.
Marforio et al. [MaFC12] extended this idea by implementing seven additional local covert
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