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under Polish rule, illegal nationalistic organizations of school youth
were created. These organizations, as well as the mass national move-
ment among Ukrainians in Galicia, were founded to counter the policy
of the Polish government, which promoted the Polish language as the
main vehicle of education for Ukrainians and attempted to polonize
the Ukrainian regions that had fallen under its jurisdiction.
In the 1920s, the first illegal political organizations such as ‘The
Group of Ukrainian Nationalist Youth’, ‘The Organization of Upper
Classes of Ukrainian Gymnasia’, and ‘The Union of Nationalistic
Ukrainian Youth’ (Soyuz Ukrains’koi Natsionalistychnoi Molodi)
were established. Many of the members of these organizations were
students at Ukrainian Galician gymnasiums. In the mid-1920s,
Stepan Ohrymovych, who was a friend of Bandera and one of the
most active participants of the political youth movements in Galicia,
drew him into political activity. In 1927, Stepan Bandera graduated
from the gymnasium and applied to the Ukrainian Academy of Rural
Economy in Pod
brady (Czechoslovakia). Although he was accepted
by the Academy, Bandera did not receive the documents necessary to
cross the border between Poland and Czechoslovakia and was unable
to take up his studies. Consequently, he returned to his native village
where, in addition to household and agricultural activities, he became
involved in cultural and organizational work in the local Ukrainian
community. In 1928 he traveled to L’viv and began to study in the
Department of Agronomy at the University of L’viv Polytechnic.
Immediately following his arrival in L’viv, Bandera was involved in
intellectual and political activity. In particular, he was a member of
the Ukrainian nationalist student organizations Osnova and Prosvita
as well as some sporting organizations created by Ukrainian students
engaged in the political life of L’viv. Nevertheless, the most important
influence upon the young Bandera that was to be highly significant
in the formation of his political views, resulted from his membership
of the OUN, which was already well known amongst Ukrainians as
the political organization with the most radical nationalistic ideas and
The development of the OUN was a result of several overlap-
ping factors. Most important was the perceived failure of Ukrainian
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