Oak Tree Press - Learning By Linking. Establishing Sustainable Business Learning Networks.pdf

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Published by O AK T REE P RESS , 19 Rutland Street, Cork, Ireland
© 2011 Sustainable Learning Networks in Ireland and Wales
Sustainable Learning Networks in Ireland and Wales has asserted its right to be identified as the author of this work.
A catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 978 1 78119 018 0 (Paperback)
ISBN 978 1 78119 019 7 (ePub)
ISBN 978 1 78119 020 3 (Kindle)
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying and recording, without written permission of the publisher. Such written permission must also be obtained
before any part of this publication is stored in a retrieval system of any nature. Requests for permission should be directed to
Oak Tree Press, 19 Rutland Street, Cork, Ireland.
This publication is a deliverable developed within and co-financed by the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF) through the INTERREG IVA Ireland Wales Programme 2007-2013
Project Acronym:
Project Full Title:
Sustainable Learning Networks Ireland and Wales.
Professor Bill O’Gorman and Ms. Nerys Fuller-Love.
Brett, V.
Carr, J.
Courtney, N.
Fuller-Love, N.
Howells, A.
Hywel, G.
Langstaff, L.
Mullally, M.
O’Gorman, B.
O’Neill, A.
Power, J.
Sinnott, E.
This guide to establishing sustainable business learning networks is a very relevant and appropriate
output from the Sustainable Learning Networks in Ireland and Wales (SLNIW) project, which was
part-funded by INTERREG IVA under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It is
unusual for INTERREG projects to publish books. Therefore, this book, Learning by Linking:
Establishing Sustainable Business Learning Networks – researched, prepared and written by the SLNIW
team and published by Oak Tree Press – is a welcome new initiative.
Learning by Linking ensures that the project’s results, outputs, and lessons learned will be more
accessible to a wider audience of enterprise support agencies, financial advisors and providers,
practitioners, entrepreneurs, owner/managers and academics, rather than it being bound, as is
traditionally the case, in a set of reports that are made available only to a limited number of relevant
people. The availability of this book to a wider audience also ensures that the benefits derived from
the SLNIW project will permeate way beyond the life of the project itself. The book provides a
template in Chapter 9: Developing Sustainable Self-facilitating Learning Networks: A Code of
Good Practice , for those who wish to support micro-enterprises and SMEs to come together to learn
from and support each other to enhance the creative and innovative capacities and capabilities of their
respective enterprises. This endeavour, no doubt, will lead to enhancing economic sustainability of the
regions and/or sub-regions within which the learning networks are set up.
Before the template is presented, the reader is informed about the SLNIW project, its organisation,
construct and how it worked. Then the reader is guided through lessons learned by the SLNIW team
and the network participants. All of which leads to the presentation of the Code of Good Practice
template for setting up and guiding sustainable learning networks for micro-enterprise and SME
This book epitomises the single team approach of the SLNIW project team. Since the beginning of
SLNIW, those employed by the project have worked together in a seamless, collaborative, and
cooperative manner to design, implement, and manage the creation and development of six learning
networks (three in Ireland and three in Wales). This is their story and this is what they learned from
the process.
Simon Baily
Roger Seddon
Head of Unit,
Ireland-Wales Programme 2007-2013
Project Development Officer North Wales,
Ireland-Wales Programme 2007-2013
First and foremost, the SLNIW project team acknowledges the support and encouragement
INTERREG in both Ireland and Wales provided throughout the entire SLNIW project, especially the
invaluable input received from Simon Baily, Head of Unit, Roger Seddon, Project Development
Officer and Siobhan Rudden, Development Officer. The SLNIW team also acknowledges the funding
provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the INTERREG IVA Ireland
and Wales programme 2007-2013, without which this project would not have been possible.
From a Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) perspective, the Irish SLNIW team members
thank and acknowledge the support, commitment and encouragement of Dr. Tom O’Toole, Dean,
School of Business, Joan McDonald, Head of Department, Department of Management &
Organisation, and Susan Green, Project Accountant, Finance Office.
From an Aberystwyth University (AU) perspective, the Welsh SLNIW team members thank and
acknowledge the support, commitment and encouragement of Professor Aled Jones, Pro-vice
Chancellor and Nick Perdikis, Director of School of Management and Business.
The SLNIW team also acknowledges the support and advice that was provided throughout the
project from the members of the Irish and Welsh steering groups.
The SLNIW team is very grateful also for the support received from the staff of Arclabs, especially
its manager, Tom Corcoran, and administrator, Mary Fearon, whose inputs helped with the smooth
running of the project.
Finally, but by no means least, the SLNIW team thanks all network participants in Ireland and
Wales for their enthusiastic and candid contribution to the project and its successful outcomes. We
hope their participation and sharing of knowledge and experience in the SLNIW project will have a
long-term positive effect not only for them personally and their businesses, but for entrepreneurs
everywhere who share the concept of learning together for mutual benefit.
Professor Bill O’Gorman
Ms Nerys Fuller-Love
SLNIW Project Director
SLNIW Project Director
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