Strange Stories from the Lodge of Leisures by Pu Songling - Tr from the Chinese by George Soulié (2014).pdf

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Strange Stories from the Lodge of
Pu Songling
Translated from the Chinese by George Soulié
First publishe d in 1740.
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Book s@Ade laide
Last update d W e dne sday, De ce m be r 17, 2014 at 14:17.
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e Book s@Ade laide
The Unive rsity of Ade laide Library
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South Australia 5005
https://e book s.ade laide .e rature /chine se /pusongling/inde x .htm l
Last update d Sunday, March 27, 2016 at 11:56
Strange Stories from the Lodge of Leisures, by Pu Songling
1 . The Ghost in Lov e
2. The Fresco
3. The Dwarf Hunters
4. Lov e Rewarded
5. The Woman in Green
6. The Fault and its Consequences
7 . Deceiv ing Shadows
8. Peaceful-light
9. Hong the Currier
1 0. Autumn-moon
1 1 . The Princess Nelumbo
1 2. The two Brothers
1 3. The Marble Arch
1 4. The Dutiful Son
1 5. Through many Liv es
1 6. The Riv er of Sorrows
1 7 . The My sterious Island
1 8. The Spirit of the Riv er
1 9. The-dev ils-of-the-ocean
20. Unknown Dev ils
21 . Childless
22. The Patch of Lamb’s Skin
23. Lov e’s-Slav e
24. The Laughing Ghost
https://e book s.ade laide .e rature /chine se /pusongling/conte nts.htm l
Last update d Sunday, March 27, 2016 at 11:56
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