Trump bombarduje Syrię bo Izrael chce III wojny światowej.docx

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Trump bombarduje Syrię bo Izrael chce III wojny światowej

Trump bombing Syria for Israel wants World War III





With the advent of Donald Trump marching American soldiers into an equally disastrous event in Syria, perhaps the time has come to relieve Bush as the worst president in the history of America and to recognize Donald Trump’s accession to the Zionist/Neocon/Israeli throne.


A number of historians has rightly crowned George W. Bush as the worst president in the United States because he led America into the most disastrous event in the history of covert and diabolical operations: the war in Iraq. Jean Edward Smith, a biographer and the John Marshall Professor of Political Science at Marshall University, has written:
Whether George W. Bush was the worst president in American history will be long debated, but his decision to invade Iraq is easily the worst foreign policy decision ever made by an American president.”[1]

Other military historians and scholars such as Andrew J. Bacevich have said similar things.[2]
With the advent of Donald Trump marching American soldiers into an equally disastrous event in Syria, perhaps the time has come to relieve Bush as the worst president in the history of America and to recognize Donald Trump’s accession to the Zionist/Neocon/Israeli throne.
Why? Well, Trump knows more about the debacles in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria more than any living U.S. official. How? Throughout his campaign he launched a flamboyant attack on Bush and the Neocons saying that they have virtually destroyed American life and precious souls in the Middle East by producing one war after another.
In fact, the Alt-Right and a large section of Americans voted for Trump because they believed that he would rescue America and much of the Middle East from the Israeli sinkhole, the Zionist ideology in America, and the Neoconservative movement, which never once framed U.S. foreign policy on a moral platform.
As it turns out, Trump has become a thorough puppet of the Israeli regime and the damage he has done just over one year is almost beyond repair. Trump has recently sent soldiers to bomb Syria because Assad, he said, is using chemical weapons on his own people. The evidence?
Well, what evidence? Has the Zionist regime presented one over the past fifty years or so? Haven’t they been making things up since the beginning of time? And haven’t Americans been ripped off since the Neoconservatives took over U.S. foreign policy? 


Trump: Iraq was was bad–but bombing Syria is good.I have exhausted every possibility in order to give Donald Trump a chance to prove himself, despite the fact that he has been talking on both sides of his mouth since he ascended to the Zionist throne. But Donald Trump has morally and politically humiliated himself and the people who voted for him when he decided that another attack in Syria was the...

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