2. Love Bites - Argeneau.pdf

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Lynsay Sands
Love Bites
For Deborah MacGillvray, a good friend and the lady who
came up with the brilliant title Single White Vampire.
Pudge squinted through the scope of his rifle. Not just…
Chapter One
“Yo, Rach. I’m gonna grab a java. You want anything?”
Chapter Two
“Well, that was depressing,” Etienne commented as he led the…
Chapter Three
Rachel ached everywhere. Her body was a mass of pain…
Chapter Four
The room was dark and silent, but something awakened her.
Chapter Five
“You what?”
Chapter Six
“You were supposed to convince her that she wasn’t dreaming,…
Chapter Seven
The glowing red numbers of the digital clock on the…
Chapter Eight
It was already dark out when Rachel woke up. She…
Chapter Nine
“This is great! Just what I needed.”
Chapter Ten
Etienne was up and gone when she woke. Rachel yawned…
Chapter Eleven
“I’ve never been on the beach at night,” Rachel admitted…
Chapter Twelve
“Well, I think that’s the one.”
Chapter Thirteen
“Rachel!” Etienne slammed the car door and hurried up the…
Chapter Fourteen
Rachel bit her lip, but she remained still as Etienne’s…
Chapter Fifteen
“Welcome back.”
Chapter Sixteen
“He’s taking an awfully long time.”
Chapter Seventeen
“They’re vampires, I tell you!”
Chapter Eighteen
Rachel sat back and capped the bottle of nail polish…
Marguerite gave a wide smile to Bastien’s secretary as she…
About the Author
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