1. A Quick Bite - Argeneau.pdf
978 KB
For David,
for all the coffee and kisses.
Thank you.
“It’s just a little dinner party.”
Chapter 1
“Mmm. Your hair smells good.”
Chapter 2
Greg stared at the closed door. He couldn’t believe that…
Chapter 3
Teeth retracting, Lissianna pulled free of Greg Hewitt’s neck and…
Chapter 4
“Oh Lordy, Lordy. I’ve stepped into baby doll heaven.”
Chapter 5
“I know you’re probably mad as hell about being here,…
Chapter 6
It was barely noon when Lissianna woke up. She hadn’t…
Chapter 7
Greg was silent and tense as they snuck him through…
Chapter 8
Greg hung up the phone and sat back on the…
Chapter 9
It was the click of the door that woke him.
Chapter 10
Lissianna was sleepy and not at all interested in waking…
Chapter 11
“She’s up!”
Chapter 12
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Inne pliki z tego folderu:
27. Twice Bitten.pdf
(3371 KB)
11. The Immortal Hutner - Argeneau.pdf
(816 KB)
12. The Renegade Hunter - Argeneau.pdf
(886 KB)
13. Born To Bite - Argeneau.pdf
(917 KB)
15. The Reluctant Vampire - Argeneau.pdf
(1487 KB)
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