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    Cannon Fodder    for Atari STE
   modded with audio track play in intro
  and during play

Adapted for hard disk run ,
with special music playback in intro
and during game play
Test versions for STE, TT with ACSI
attached mass storage.
Basic ACSI command support
with RUNACSI.TOS. Max 1GB.
ICD command support with
RUNICD.TOS - good for
UltraSatan, Satandisk (probably too
slow for this), ICD adapters with SCSI
drives - not yet, soon will be added.
For Falcon or STE with IDE adapter:

Used tools, SW :  STX image analyser (by me),
STX to ST converter (by me), HxD - hex and file
editor (freeware) . Steem Debugger (main tool).
Modded Steem Debugger for finding stackframe
related problems. PaintShopPro for cover scan
conversions/editing, Photochrome, HigheSTcolor
for converting to STE hi-color format.
Devpac 3 assembler. Total Commander. Drive
Imager for writing onto CF, SD cards and hard
disks. Video Dub for capturing and processing
video from oldies > YouTube . 
Some Html editors for WEB pages.
Audacity for audio format conv.

Src:  STX  imgs. of org .  MP3 remixes online.
Fixes, ingame save/load support, etc.

Exit to Desktop, statesaves options.
Level skip opt.

   PP, Feb.  9  2015.

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