Star Wars. Przebudzenie mocy - Alan Dean Foster.pdf

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Alan ​Dean Foster
przełożyła ​Anna Hikiert
Star Wars: ​The Force Awakensis
a work ​of ​fiction. Names, places, and ​incidents
either are products ​of ​the ​author’s imagination ​or ​are used fictitiously. ​Any
​resemblance to actual events, ​locales, ​or persons, living or ​dead, is entirely
Copyright ​© 2015 by ​Lucasfilm Ltd. ​& ​® or ™ ​where indicated.
All rights ​reserved.
Book ​design by ​Elizabeth A.D. Eno
Copyright © ​for the Polish ​edition ​by ​Grupa Wydawnicza ​Foksal, ​MMXVI
Wydanie I
Warszawa, MMXVI
Dawno, dawno ​temu w odległej galaktyce….
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