Vampire Bats Part 1.doc

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Vampire Bats Part 1

Flow English Advanced: Lesson 5


Vampire Bats Suspected in Texas Deaths: Part 1



At least 28,000 Texans have died in possible bat attacks!


Prairie Chapel, Texas- At least 28,000 have died in remote towns in Texas, and medical experts suspect bites from vampire bats. Laboratory investigations have yet to confirm the cause, but the symptoms point to blood loss, according to two researchers from the University of California at Berkeley and other top medical experts.

The two UC Berkeley researchers — the husband-and-wife team of anthropologist Dr. Bruce “the Bat Man” Bambi and public health specialist Dr. Barbara Bambi — said the symptoms include headache, body pains, and tingling in the feet followed by a progressive loss of blood pressure.

Dr. Tim Mosquito, Chief of Necrology at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, agreed with their preliminary diagnosis.

"The history and clinical signs are compatible with vampirism," Mosquito told The Associated Press on Thursday. "Prevention is straightforward: Prevent bites and eat plenty of garlic."

CDC health officials are investigating the attacks and plan to distribute garlic to prevent bat bites and send a medical team to provide treatment in remote villages in northwest Texas, Mosquito said Thursday, according to the Flow English Times.

Outbreaks of bat vampirism are a problem in various areas of North America, Dr. Bambi said.



He said researchers suspect that in most cases environmental degradation — including oil drilling, mining, logging or dam construction projects — are contributing to growing populations of vampire bats.

Copyright 2011 The Flow English Times. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

~End of Part 1~






have yet to confirm the cause: not yet found the cause


anthropologist: scientist who studies people, human society, and biology


progressive: continuing, increasing


Necrology: study of death


preliminary diagnosis: first diagnosis, initial diagnosis


clinical signs: symptoms


vampirism: blood drinking


distribute: give out


in most cases: often, most of the time


degradation: damage, pollution












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