M.E. Sharpe Encyclopedia of Interest Groups and Lobbyists in the United States Vol 1.pdf

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Volume One
Brooklyn College, City University of New York
Encyclopedia of
in the
United States
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Ness, Immanuel
Encyclopedia of interest groups and lobbyists in the United States / Immanuel Ness
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Summary: Provides information about a variety of organizations, arranged
alphabetically within such groupings as Agriculture, Environment,
Health and Medical, Labor, and Political, Religious and Ideological.
ISBN 0-7656-8022-X (set : alk. paper)
1. Pressure groups—United States—Encyclopedias. 2. Lobbyists—United
States—Encyclopedias. [1. Pressure groups—Encyclopedias. 2.
Lobbyists—Encyclopedias.] I. Title.
JK1118.N47 2000
Printed and bound in the United States of America
The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of
American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of
Paper for Printed Library Materials
ANSI Z 39.48.1984.
BM (c) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Vice President and Director of Sharpe Reference:
Evelyn M. Fazio
Vice President and Production Director:
Carmen P. Chetti
Senior Reference Editor:
Andrew Gyory
Senior Production Editor:
Angela Piliouras
Editorial Coordinator:
Aud Thiessen
Editorial Assistant:
Esther Clark
Fact Checker:
Jeff Jenson
In-house Typesetter:
W. Bryan Lammers
Contributors ......................................................... xi
Abbreviations and Acronyms .......................... xiii
Introduction ....................................................... xvii
Section 1. Banking, Finance, Insurance, and
Real Estate
Introduction ........................................................... 3
American Bankers Association ........................... 8
America’s Community Bankers ....................... 12
American Council of Life Insurance ................ 15
American Financial Services Association ....... 18
American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants ........................................ 21
Credit Union National Association .................. 24
Independent Community Bankers
of America ....................................................... 27
Independent Insurance Agents of America ... 30
Investment Company Institute ........................ 33
Mortgage Bankers Association of America .... 36
National Association of Independent
Insurers ............................................................ 39
National Association of Insurance
Commissioners ............................................... 42
National Association of Life Underwriters ..... 45
National Association of Professional
Insurance Agents............................................ 49
National Association of Realtors ...................... 52
National Venture Capital Association ............. 55
Securities Industry Association ........................ 58
Section 2. Service, Trade, and Professional
Introduction ......................................................... 62
American Bar Association ................................. 67
American Gaming Association ......................... 70
American Hotel and Motel Association .......... 73
American Library Association .......................... 75
American Association of Advertising
Agencies........................................................... 78
Association of Trial Lawyers of America ........ 80
Food Marketing Institute .................................. 83
Fraternal Order of Police ................................... 86
National Association of Convenience
Stores ................................................................ 89
National Association of Retired Federal
Employees ....................................................... 92
National Association of Social Workers .......... 95
National Automobile Dealers Association ...... 99
National Beer Wholesalers Association ........ 102
National Federation of Independent
Business ......................................................... 105
National Funeral Directors Association ........ 108
National Restaurant Association ..................... 111
Petroleum Marketers Association
of America .................................................... 114
United States Chamber of Commerce ........... 117
Section 3. Media, Entertainment, and
Introduction ....................................................... 120
Accuracy in Media............................................ 125
American Council on Education .................... 127
Association of American Publishers .............. 130
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting ............. 133
Magazine Publishers of America ................... 135
Motion Picture Association of America ........ 138
National Association of Broadcasters ............ 142
National Cable Television Association .......... 146
Newspaper Association of America .............. 150
Recording Industry Association of
America .......................................................... 153
Software and Information Industry
Association .................................................... 157
Section 4. Health and Medical
Introduction ....................................................... 159
American Academy of Ophthalmology ........ 164
American Cancer Society ................................ 167
American Chiropractic Association ............... 169
American College of Emergency
Physicians ...................................................... 172
American Dietetic Association ....................... 175
American Federation for AIDS Research ...... 178
American Healthcare Association .................. 181
American Heart Association ........................... 184
American Hospital Association ...................... 186
American Medical Association ....................... 189
American Nurses Association ........................ 193
American Occupational Therapy
Association .................................................... 196
American Psychiatric Association .................. 199
American Society of Anesthesiologists ......... 202
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association ........ 205
Section 5. Agriculture
Introduction ....................................................... 209
American Farm Bureau Federation ............... 215
American Agriculture Movement .................. 218
American Meat Institute .................................. 220
American Sugarbeet Growers Association ... 223
International Dairy Foods Association ......... 226
National Association of Wheat Growers ....... 229
National Cattlemen’s Beef Association ......... 231
National Chicken Council ............................... 234
National Cotton Council of America ............. 237
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives .... 240
National Farmers Organization ...................... 242
National Farmers Union .................................. 244
National Grange ............................................... 247
National Pork Producers Council .................. 249
Organic Trade Association .............................. 252
United Egg Association ................................... 254
Section 6. Environment
Introduction ....................................................... 256
Environmental Defense Fund ......................... 262
Friends of the Earth .......................................... 265
Greenpeace ........................................................ 269
Izaak Walton League ........................................ 272
League of Conservation Voters ...................... 275
National Audubon Society .............................. 278
National Wildlife Federation ........................... 281
Rainforest Action Network ............................. 284
Sierra Club ......................................................... 287
Wise Use Movement ........................................ 291
Section 7. Industry, Construction, and
Introduction ....................................................... 294
Aerospace Industries Association .................. 298
Air Transport Association ............................... 300
American Forest and Paper Association ....... 304
American Furniture Manufacturers
Association .................................................... 307
American Textile Manufacturers Institute .... 309
American Trucking Associations ................... 312
Associated Builders and Contractors ............ 315
Business Roundtable ........................................ 318
Chemical Manufacturers Association ............ 321
Distilled Spirits Council of the
United States ................................................. 323
Edison Electric Institute ................................... 326
National Association of Home Builders ........ 329
National Association of Manufacturers ........ 332
National Mining Association .......................... 335
Nuclear Energy Institute ................................. 338
Pharmaceutical Research and
Manufacturers of America .......................... 341
Printing Industries of America ....................... 343
Semiconductor Industry Association ............ 346
Technology Network ........................................ 348
Section 8. Labor
Introduction ....................................................... 350
Airline Pilots Association ................................ 356
American Federation of Labor–Congress
of Industrial Organizations......................... 359
American Federation of State, County, and
Municipal Employees .................................. 363
American Federation of Teachers ................... 366
American Postal Workers Union .................... 369
Communications Workers of America .......... 372
Hotel Employees and Restaurant
Employees International Union ................. 375
International Association of
Fire Fighters .................................................. 378
International Association of Machinists and
Aerospace Workers ...................................... 381
International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers ......................................... 384
International Brotherhood of
Teamsters ....................................................... 387
International Union of
Operating Engineers .................................... 390
Laborers’ International Union of
North America .............................................. 393
National Education Association ..................... 396
Seafarers International Union of
North America .............................................. 399
Service Employees International
Union .............................................................. 401
Transport Workers Union of America ........... 404
Union of Needletrades, Industrial,
and Textile Employees ................................. 407
United Automobile Workers ........................... 410
United Food and Commercial
Workers International Union ...................... 413
United Steelworkers of America .................... 416
United Transportation Union ......................... 419
Section 9. Civil and Human Rights
Introduction ....................................................... 422
ACORN (Association of Community
Organizations for Reform Now) ................ 430
American Civil Liberties Union ..................... 433
Anti-Defamation League ................................. 435
Freedom House ................................................. 438
Human Rights Watch ....................................... 441
League of Women Voters of the United
States .............................................................. 444
Legal Services Corporation ............................. 447
National Coalition for the Homeless ............. 450
National Lawyers Guild .................................. 452
Section 10. Political, Religious, and
Introduction ....................................................... 454
American Conservative Union ....................... 460
American Enterprise Institute ........................ 463
Americans for Democratic Action .................. 466
Americans for Tax Reform .............................. 469
Brookings Institution ....................................... 472
Cato Institute ..................................................... 475
Center for Public Integrity .............................. 477
Center for Responsive Politics ........................ 479
Christian Coalition ........................................... 481
Citizens for a Sound Economy ....................... 483
Common Cause ................................................ 485
Economic Policy Institute ................................ 487
Heritage Foundation ........................................ 490
Hudson Institute ............................................... 492
John Birch Society ............................................. 494
National Council of the Churches
of Christ ......................................................... 496
National Taxpayers Union .............................. 498
Public Citizen .................................................... 500
United States Catholic Conference ................ 502
U.S. Public Interest Research Group .............. 504
Section 11. Single Issue
Introduction ....................................................... 506
Americans United for the Separation of
Church and State .......................................... 513
Citizens Flag Alliance ...................................... 516
Council for a Livable World ............................ 518
Handgun Control, Inc. ..................................... 521
Mothers Against Drunk Driving .................... 524
National Abortion and Reproductive
Rights Action League .................................. 526
National Committee to Preserve
Social Security and Medicare...................... 529
National Rifle Association ............................... 532
National Right to Life Committee .................. 536
People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals ..................................................... 539
Planned Parenthood Federation
of America ..................................................... 542
Union of Concerned Scientists ....................... 545
U.S. English ....................................................... 547
U.S. Term Limits ............................................... 550
Zero Population Growth ................................. 553
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