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MixWizard FX Editor Version 3 Release Notes - V3.00
This is the computer software application for editing the effects built into the
Allen & Heath MixWizard WZ3 12:2 and WZ3 16:2 mixing consoles. It runs
on a PC and connects to the MixWizard via its MIDI interface.
The Editor sends MIDI messages to the console to edit the parameters for
each of the 32x FX presets including the 16x for single mode and two banks
of 8x for dual mode. The Editor takes over control of the console effects
letting you select different presets and change their parameters in real time.
The edited presets can be stored on the console overwriting the onboard
presets. They are also archived as a configuration file on the PC.
This application applies only to MixWizard 3 models with serial numbers
prefixed by: W3 1622.. and W3 1222..
Refer to the Allen & Heath web site to download the FX Editor for earlier
versions of MixWizard with serial numbers prefixed by:
W2 1602.. W2 1202.. W3 1602.. and W3 1202..
System Requirements
The FX Editor runs on a PC with MIDI interface. If the computer does not
have a MIDI interface then a USB to MIDI converter will be required. The
following operating systems are supported:
Windows XP 32bit Service Pack 2 and 3,
Windows Vista 32bit Service Pack 1
The Apple Mac is not supported for this release of FX Editor software.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required.
This lets you run programs written in the Java programming language. If it is
not already installed on your computer you can download Java SE Runtime
Environment (JRE) 6 Version 1.6 from http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/
Installing the Editor on your computer
Download the WZ FX Editor software from the Allen & Heath web site:
Make sure you have chosen the correct version for your MixWizard. Check
the serial number which is on the rear of the console.
Save the file to your Desktop. Double click and follow the instructions to
install the application on your PC.
Connecting your PC to the MixWizard
A single MIDI cable is required. The Editor sends data to the console MIDI IN
connection. The Editor does not receive MIDI data from the console and
therefore the computer does not need a MIDI in connection.
If your PC does not have a standard MIDI port then a USB to MIDI converter
may be used. These are readily available from most computer stores. The
converter is a USB device and will need a driver installed on the PC. Use the
driver supplied with the device and follow the instructions in its user guide.
Use a standard 5pin MIDI cable to connect to the MIDI IN port on the rear of
the console. Align the plug correctly and ensure it is pressed fully in.
Setting the MixWizard MIDI channel number
The default MixWizard MIDI channel number = 1. This can be checked or
changed by holding down the front panel BANK key while powering up the
console, then using the SEL key to scroll through the leds indicating the MIDI
channel numbers. To avoid loud thumps in your speakers make sure you
do this while the amplifiers are turned off. For Omni (all 16 channels
selected) all the leds light. Release the keys when the leds display the
number you require. The red BANK led flashes on then off to indicate the
change has been successful.
Working with the WZ FX Editor
Start the WZ FX Editor from:
Program Files / Allen & Heath / Wizard FX Editor V3 /
The Editor stores its parameter changes in a config file saved on the
computer. Unless you name and store a config file the Editor automatically
stores parameter changes to a config file called File1. To store and load
config files use the File menu.
Choose the MIDI Out Device from the drop down menu. You should see
your connected MIDI device listed. If not, check that its driver has been
correctly installed.
Check that the MIDI Channel Number is set to the same MIDI channel
number of the MixWizard.
You can work Off line if the MixWizard is not connected. This lets you see
the parameter settings of the current presets in the loaded config file.
However, you cannot change parameters while off line.
To check that you are connected and working On line click on different
presets in the list and check that the MixWizard front panel FX preset
indicators follow the selection. While working on line the MixWizard front
panel FX controls are disabled. However, the leds will indicate the preset
selected using the Editor.
Select Single or Dual mode according to which set of presets you want to
edit. Single works with the console AUX5 send. Dual works with two
independent effects mixed from AUX5 and AUX6.
Click on a Preset to display its current parameter settings. Four parameters
are available for each. Left click and drag the mouse over a control to change
its setting. You can listen to your edits as the effect is changed in the console
in real time.
The changes can be stored directly to the related preset in the console and to
the config file in the computer by pressing the Editor Preset Store button and
entering a new name for the effect. It is stored as a User effect. You can
select a preset in the list and use the Recall FX Library button to restore a
preset to factory default or load a previously stored user preset.
Disconnecting the FX Editor
Do not disconnect the MIDI lead while the Editor is running on line.
If you want to keep your preset changes make sure you have used the Preset
Store function after editing each preset.
To disconnect the Editor first close the program using the File menu Quit item
or by clicking the Close cross in the top right toolbar. Wait for at least 5
seconds before disconnecting the MIDI lead and using the console front panel
controls to select your presets.
Resetting the FX
To restore the factory default preset settings without the Editor connected,
hold down the front panel SEL key while powering up the console. To avoid
loud thumps in your speakers make sure you do this while the
amplifiers are turned off . The 8 green leds flash in sequence followed by
the BANK led flashing to confirm the reset.
More Information
Please check the Allen & Heath web site for the latest software and
information on the MixWizard Series of consoles, and to download the
MixWizard MIDI specification. If you need further assistance please contact
Allen & Heath Tech Support in your territory.
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