Achtung! Cthulhu - Zero Point 2 - Heroes Of The Sea.pdf

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h e r o e s o f t h e s e a
Ze ro po int - m ay 19 40
By sarah neWton
Art Dim martin Layout michal e. cross
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Sara h would like to thank: Chr is Birch, for the
chance to write this ep ic campaign; D im and Michal, for
their bea utiful art and l ayout work; an d Ralf Schemm ann
and S imon Rogers o f Profantasy (w ww.profantasy .
com), for providing t heir wonderful interactive atla s
of wor ld war two . A nd, as ever, hug e thanks to Ch ris
McWil liam, my husba nd, for his end less patience a nd
h elp playtesting the Zero Point campaign.
Written by
Sarah New toN
http ://sarahnewton
Artwork by
Dim mar tiN
http: //
Design , Layout & C artography by
michal e. c roSS
Chris would l ike to thank: Sarah, Michal a nd Dim for
the stunning work on this A chtung! Cthul hu series,
and my new wife Rita who continues to in spire my
creativity a nd passion for exploring new worlds.
Pro duced & Art D irected by
chriS Bir ch
Mic hal would lik e to thank: Pa trick Kapera fo r
showi ng me the rope s, Chris and Sa rah for giving m e
a ch ance, Paul Evan s for starting m e on this crazy
jour ney, and Fransje for her patien ce and honesty .
Published by
moDiPh iUS
37A Ch esson Road, Lo ndon. W14 9Q R
Proofreadi ng by
ch riS Birch, Da ve Blewer,
micha l croSS & ol iver KorPilla
h eroes of the Se a by Sarah New ton is used un der licence.
Artwork © Dim Martin, except the Cha osium and Ca ll of Cthulhu l ogos which are used under lic ence.
C all of Cthulhu is a Registered Trademark of Chaosium Inc. , and used with permission.
Achtung! Cth ulhu & MODIP HIUS © 2012 Chris Birch.
Any unauthor ised use of cop yrighted materi al is illegal.
Any trademarked na mes are used in a historical or fictional mann er; no infringem ent is intende d.
The names, descriptions, a nd depictions a pplied to this s upplement are derived from w orks copyrighte d by and
inclu de trademarks owned by Chao sium Inc, and may not be use d or reused wit hout permissio n.
This is a wor k of fiction. An y similarity wit h actual people and events, pa st or present, i s purely coincid ental and
unintention al except for th ose people and events describ ed in historical context.
Find out more about A chtung! Cthul hu at www.ach m and other M ODIPHIUS gam es at
w ww.facebook.c om/modiphius
MODIPH IUS product n umber: MPS01 012C
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Foreword 2
Introduction 3
Overview 3
The Dunkirk Environment 7
Encounters 10
Plot Episodes 15
Episode Plot Summary
Behind Enemy Lines
The U-Boat Base
The Dive
Appendix One: Pre-generated Characters 40
Appendix Two: New Rules 43
Appendix Three: Vehicles 48
Appendix Four: Operational Briefing 52
Appendix Five: Handouts 56
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F ore wor d b y Sa rah Ne wto n
W orld W ar Two is ama zing. B y turns terrifyin g, excit ing, trag ic, fille d with c ourage and de s-
pera tion, th e appal ling spe ctacle o f a civil isation tearing itself ap art. An d yet it created the wo rld
we live in to day—t he bord ers betw een ou r natio ns, the memori es and s tories o ur fami lies tell one
ano ther, ph otograp hs and medals on wal ls. We o we our lives, d irectly o r indire ctly, to the terr ible
sacr ifice ma de by a n entire genera tion in the mid dle of t he twen tieth ce ntury.
Here in Nor mandy we dig up bulle t casin gs when we tur n over t he gard en. Ou r chicke ns peck
at an ol d wood en shel l crate, whose U S Arm y stenci lling is only vis ible wh en it rai ns. We go for
days ou t in a p retty se aside to wn whe re my g randfat her des perately unload ed fuel in the d ays afte r
D-Day, not an hour aw ay. It’s hard to believe sometim es how close it still is —scrat ch the surface,
and the War is there, everywh ere you look.
Three y ears ago Chris Birch an d I got talking about r oleplayi ng in W orld W ar Two. How c ould
we do it— how co uld we draw on its awe some t ales of heroism , traged y, and s acrifice , withou t
triv ializing a profo und and histori cal even t? Thos e who know m e will k now I’v e alway s loved con-
spi racy the ories— and Wo rld Wa r Two is filled w ith the m. Toge ther Ch ris and I talked about how
we could d raw ou t the sin ister pu lp elem ents of these c onspira cy tales , and us e them to crea te
act ion-pac ked role playing advent ures wo rthy of the grea test wa r films. This ad venture , and th e rest
of the Zero Point c ampaig n for A chtung ! Cthul hu , are the resu lt…
her oes of t he Sea takes pl ace duri ng the evacuat ion at D unkirk. Like ma ny of u s, I kne w the
broad brushst rokes of the Du nkirk st ory—bu t in res earchin g those terrible days in May an d June
1940, I’ve bee n amaz ed and humble d. Mayb e it’s a feature of war t hat its events a re so te rrible y ou
can ne ver ima gine the y could ever ha ppen— until th ey do.
The ev acuatio n of ove r three hundre d thous and sol diers fro m the b eaches of Dun kirk, un der
co nstant a ttack fr om land and ai r, by na val vess els and ragtag flotillas of “littl e ships” which
th emselve s were o ften to rpedoed and sa nk even as the y fished soldier s from t he sea, the eye wit-
ne ss acco unts of those w ho foug ht—on both s ides—a nd the sheer sc ale of t he deva station , are
br eathtaki ng. I ho pe in so me sm all way I’ve bee n able t o conv ey the m agnitu de of Du nkirk’s events
as the bac kdrop t o this a dventur e.
Lo vecrafti an rolep laying t hrives o ff myst ery, and the dre ad that unimag inable inhuma n pow-
ers ho ld sway over o ur cosm os, befo re whic h mere human concer ns pale into ins ignifica nce. Ze ro
Point brings t hose th emes d irectly in to Wo rld War Two, a s our in trepid in vestiga tors unv eil a te r-
rible c onspira cy alon gside, b etween , and be neath i ts world -shatte ring eve nts. Du ring thi s series of
linked advent ures, yo ur play ers will fight a s ecret w ar whic h threa tens the future of the w orld its elf.
How they do so—an d whet her they succee d—ma y lead y our cam paign d own so me ver y dark a nd
twiste d avenu es. Can they t hwart th is drea dful me nace, ev en as h umanit y tears i tself ap art? Wh at
is the true hi story of that se cret war ? Play o n… this story o nly you can te ll...
Sa rah New ton
N orman dy, Sept ember 2 012
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Introduction –
What is Achtung!
Heroes of the Sea is the second scenario in the Zero Point
campaign, an epic series of adventures for the Achtung!
Cthulhu setting—Lovecraftian roleplaying in World
War Two. Achtung! Cthulhu allows you to play investi-
gators uncovering the terrible secrets of the Lovecraftian
Mythos which threaten the world at a time when hu-
mankind is already poised to tear itself apart.
This version of Heroes of the Sea is intended for use
with the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game, published by
Chaosium, Inc. Additional rules specific to the World
War Two era can be found in the appendices, including
pre-generated characters, created using the 6th edition
Call of Cthulhu rules, to get you playing straight away.
You can also create your own investigator characters us-
ing the Call of Cthulhu rules.
Agent WOTAN had been operating in northern
Germany and Belgium. While travelling to British
Expeditionary Force territory, she was overtaken by the
sudden Blitzkrieg advance of German forces in May 1940.
Contact has been lost, and the worst is feared. All that is
known is that WOTAN had uncovered a secret German
operation named FALL NADEL (“Operation Needle”),
and had information vital to the fate of the Allied forces.
The investigators are members of Section D, an arm
of the British Secret Intelligence Service. Ferried to the
besieged port of Dunkirk by H.M.S. Durant , their mis-
sion is to make their way into the warzone of what is be-
ing called the Battle of France, contact Agent WOTAN,
and take appropriate action based on the nature of FALL
This adventure contains material for several sessions of
play. It incorporates historical and geographical back-
ground; an extensive encounters section; and five com-
plete plot episodes with maps and non-player characters.
Extensive appendices provide pre-generated characters,
new rules for Call of Cthulhu adventuring in World War
Two, new vehicles, an operational briefing for the play-
ers, and a handouts section.
The Mission
Following the bizarre events of Three Kings , the first ad-
venture in the Zero Point campaign, the British Secret
Intelligence Service has been operating undercover
in occupied Europe gathering information on unusual
activities in the Third Reich. In recent weeks, a fe-
The Real Deal
Agent WOTAN has happened upon a bizarre secret
German operation in the Dunkirk region. Operation
Needle will require all of the investigators’ resourceful-
ness to defeat.
During the last glaciation, millennia ago, global sea
levels were much lower than today. As late as 6000BC,
large stretches of what is now the North Sea were dry
land, populated by Stone Age hunter-gatherers of the
Maglemosian culture.
The Maglemosians found their coastal lands dotted
with ancient, forbidding stones, which seemed to have
been shaped by no human hand—temples and carvings
“WOTAN had uncovered a secret German
operation named FALL NADEL (‘Operation
Needle’), and had information vital to
the fate of the Allied forces.”
male undercover agent, Agatha Marcham (codename
WOTAN) has gone missing in northern Europe after at-
tempting to contact Section D with critical information.
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