A Little Piece of Heaven by Xondra Day.pdf

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Evernight Publishing
Copyright¨ 2012 Xondra Day
ISBN: 978-1-77130-090-2
Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs
Editor: Marie Medina
WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.
This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Xondra Day
Copyright ¨ 2012
Kansas, 1933
It was too hot for CalvinÓs liking and with the fan on crank, he
wasnÓt getting any relief whatsoever.
July had hit with a wallop and with it came a heat wave like
no other in years. Heading down to the creek for a swim sounded like
a good idea. HeÓd be able to cool down, relax, and do some much
needed thinking. This summer was to be his respite, his father had
said, but come the fall Calvin had to make a decision on his future.
ÐYouÓre smart, boy. You need to do something with your life.
This ainÓt no way to scratch out a living. A farmerÓs life is a hard one
and I have faith that you can do better.Ñ His fatherÓs words had truth
to them. Calvin wasnÓt meant to be a farmer, but college had been
nothing but a disappointment for him and getting involved with
Professor Knoles hadnÓt made things easier.
Professor Knoles spoke with a sweet city accent. He wore a
bowtie and had the cutest little mustache. He headed the English
department. From day one Calvin had been smitten with him and one
day when he was asked to stay after class, it was obvious that
Professor Knoles felt the same way about him.
ÐAre you enjoying my class?Ñ Professor Knoles asked.
ÐItÓs interesting. EverythingÓs new to me.Ñ Calvin shifted in
his chair slightly as the professorÓs eyes shifted over him.
ÐThatÓs good, Calvin.Ñ Professor Knoles moved closer and
now stood behind him. ÐIÓve noticed you for a while.Ñ
CalvinÓs heart started to beat faster and a fine sweat broke out
on his brow as Professor Knoles caressed both his shoulders. ÐYouÓre
tense. Am I making you nervous?Ñ
ÐNo, not at all,Ñ Calvin lied.
ÐI like you, Calvin, and I think you like me.Ñ
Calvin nodded and swallowed hard. Professor Knoles leaned
down and kissed his cheek.
That was the start of it all. It was a pity that Professor Knoles
was married with two children and when his wife found out about the
affair, she threatened to reveal their secret to everyone they knew.
ThatÓs when Calvin made the decision to withdraw from college and
head back home to sort his feelings out.
Billy Holiday played on the radio and finally there was a
warm breeze blowing in across the parlor. Calvin got up from the
couch and laid his book aside as he walked to the window and looked
out across the garden. In the distance over near the barn, Calvin could
see his fatherÓs hired hand, Josh, fiddling with something he couldnÓt
make out. Josh was around his age and had been working on the farm
for round about a year, give or take a month.
Calvin eyed Josh and was glad that his mother and father were
out of the house for the weekend as he gripped his crotch. Josh was
shirtless and even from this vast distance, his body was a beautiful
sight to behold, all golden and glistening under the hot midafternoon
Josh was everything he wanted in a man. Josh was masculine,
gorgeous, and most importantly intelligent. TheyÓd had many hired
hands come and go over the years, but Josh stood out from them all.
He wasnÓt like the others. Before heÓd left for college, theyÓd often
talked about current events and life in general. Josh was easy to talk
to and he never made Calvin feel uncomfortable like some of the
other men who came around the farm did.
Most guys in the area passed him off as a sissy. ThatÓs how
they referred to someone like him. His father ignored their ignorant
remarks, but Calvin knew this was one reason why his father wanted
him to succeed so badly. Success would show them all. It would
prove to them that he was something and then his father could be
proud of him.
The temperature was much hotter outside than Calvin initially
expected. Straight off he looked for Josh as he strolled across the
garden towards the barn and the outfields. Beyond them lay the creek.
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