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Restarting hearts
Crash course
How long should doctors spend trying to restart a stopped
Sep 8th 2012 | from the print edition
ANY given episode of a television medical drama is likely to feature a
patient going into cardiac arrest. As the victim thrashes around, a
telegenic doctor summons a posse of helpers, who start zapping the
patient, compressing his chest or administering adrenalin jabs until the
heart starts ticking again.
On TV these efforts almost always succeed, spectacularly and
immediately. The real world, sadly, is crueller: doctors manage to
restart only about half of the hearts that stop in a hospital, and only
about a sixth of patients will go on to survive long enough to be
discharged. One of the toughest decisions faced by hospital staff is
how long to keep trying, and when to give up on a particular patient as
a lost cause.
A new paper, published in the Lancet , aims to provide some scientific
backing for such decisions. A team of researchers led by Brahmajee
Nallamothu at the University of Michigan looked at data from more than
64,000 patients who had suffered cardiac arrests in 435 American
hospitals between 2000 and 2008. There are no official guidelines
specifying how long doctors should keep trying to resuscitate flatlining
hospital patients. As a result, the authors wondered whether the
amount of time spent attempting resuscitation might vary from hospital
to hospital. Sure enough, it did. The median resuscitation attempts in
patients who eventually died lasted 16 minutes for the bottom quarter
of hospitals; for the top quarter it was 25 minutes.
That matters, for the researchers also found that a greater willingness
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to persist correlated with better survival chances for patients.
Circulation was restored in 45.3% of patients in the bottom quarter of
hospitals; 14.5% survived long enough to be discharged. For the top
quarter, the figures were 50.7% and 16.2% respectively, a boost of
12% in both cases.
One reason why doctors are reluctant to spend too long attempting to
revive patients is that they worry about brain damage caused by
prolonged lack of oxygen. But the study found that, after adjusting for
factors such as age and general health, patients from hospitals more
willing to try long resuscitations showed no greater risk of brain
Such a big discrepancy in a fairly common procedure may look odd—if
all hospitals performed as well as the best, thousands of lives a year
might be saved. But plenty of medicine has only a thin base in
scientifically reviewed evidence, meaning that the opinions, judgments
and prejudices of individual doctors often determine how treatment is
A difficulty is that medical decisions are complicated. A doctor
considering whether to continue with chest compressions, for instance,
must weigh any number of factors, from the patient’s age to other
conditions he may be suffering from or the effects of drugs used to
treat them. The presence of so many confounding factors makes it hard
to assess the general effectiveness of any given treatment—unless, like
Dr Nallamothu and his colleagues, you have access to a great deal of
As with any piece of scientific research, there are caveats. Dr
Nallamothu points out that the study could simply be picking up an
effect of better hospitals, with a willingness to persist with
resuscitation a consequence of better technology or better-trained
doctors, neither of which can be detected by the study. And the tricky
clinical particulars of any given resuscitation mean that the paper
cannot give rise to hard-and-fast rules about exactly how long doctors
should persist. But it does suggest that plenty of lives might be saved
if medics are willing to keep trying for a little bit longer.
from the print edition | Science and technology
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