73 Magazine Information Index.doc

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73 Magazine Information & Index

73 Magazine Index

Yearly quick links:

1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
2000 2001 2002 2003


October 1960 (#1)

o        Audio Booster - A three transistor amplifier that hooks across the mike to give you more talk power for SSB or AM without distortion ...... K5JKX/6

o        Something New in FM - Using the new varicap as a FM modulator ...... W7CSD 10

o        Bantam Converters - Two-tube VHF converters for 50-108-144-152-220 MHz bands ...... W9DUT 12

o        Risky Hobby - How to fall off your tower for fun and profit ...... K9AMD 16

o        Tubeless Electronic Key - Just uses some relays. Also tells how to convert your bug ...... W1TUW 18

o        Digest of Surplus - Short lecture tour through your local surplus emporium ...... W1MEG 20

o        Direct Reading Capacity Meter - Two transistors. You've got a lot of resistance if you can keep from building this gadget ...... W6EAW 22

o        Gotta Patch? - Instructions for phone patching and avoiding trouble ...... W6KNE 24

o        Three-Way Power Supply - 6, 12, 120 volt supply using kit-available parts ...... W3UZN 26

o        Shock - New facts on electric shock, or what to do until rigor mortis sets in ...... Bates 28

o        Propagation Charts - What bands what time to where probably ...... K2IGY 30

o        Three Tubes, Five Watts, Six Meters - How to get on Six in a hurry ...... K8NIC/5 32

o        How To Be An Amateur - For adults only. Children under 16 not admitted ...... W2ZGU 34

o        Testing the Heath GC-1A - Well, well! A transisorized communications receiver! ...... 73 Staff 38

o        Modulation Fundamentals - This is our big technical article for the month ...... W0TKU 42

November 1960 (#2)

o        Transistorized 10 Meter Converter - Not only that, but it uses a printed circuit you can make ...... W3BUL 9

o        Four Band Crystal Converter - 20-15-10-6 meters using the new International Crystal converters ...... W3UZN 12

o        FM VFO Exciter - Butchered BC-459 for 6 and 2 meter FM or NFM operation ...... W1TUW 14

o        Mobile Power - How to put some beef into that mobile signal ...... K5JKX/6 16

o        Cardboard Chassis - Building on the kitchen table... How easy can we make it? ...... K5JKX/6 18

o        Stop That Noise - This is our technical article of the month: Noise Clipping, etc ...... 73 Staff 20

o        Measure Your Modulation - Overlay for your 'scope to get modulation percentage ...... K5JKX/6 25

o        Some Hard Facts About Echo - The Moon makes a better reflector ...... W6MMU 26

o        Improving Performance of the Communicator III - A new front-end tube that improves the S/N considerably ...... W1MCA 28

o        VHF Tri-Mode Receiver - AM-CW-SSB tuner to go with last month's Bantam Converters ...... W9DUT 30

o        Toroid Coils - Quickie think article plus an idea on mounting 'em ...... Paffenberg 37

o        $5 Frequency Counter - Two transistors and it reads 0-300 Hz, 1 kHz, 3 kHz, 10 kHz, 30 kHz ...... K5JKX/6& 38

o        Wabbit Ears - 20 meter dipole, compacted slightly ...... W6EHY 41

o        Propagation Forecast - What bands what time to where ...Probably ...... K2IGY 42

o        Equipment Manuals - Special article for manufacturers ...... K2DHA 44

o        Finding True North - How to zero in your beam on the North Star ...... W5LFM 49

December 1960 (#3)

o        Transistorized 220 MHz Converter - Crystal controlled too ...... W3HIX 8

o        RF Sniffer - Snooper sensitive RF detector which you will build ...... K5JKX/6 11

o        SSB Dynamic Demonstrator - Teaching SSB calls for some tricky stratagems ...... W2UQB 12

o        Capacity Meter - Two ranges : 0-40 pF (resolves 1 pF) and 0-900 pF ...... K8ERV 14

o        Station Control System - Even if you don't build this one it will give you ideas ...... W1TUW 16

o        The Multivibrator in VOX Circuitry - Technical article ending up with a corker of a VOX circuit ...... Paffenberg 18

o        The Fine Art of Transistorizing - Changing your tube circuits to transistors ...... K5JKX/6 22

o        Simplify Your Log Keeping - Just an idea which you probably won't like anyway ...... Staff 25

o        Perfect Squelch - Our big technical article for the month... all about squelching ...... Staff 26

o        Low-Noise Two Meter Converter - The newest, the latest, the hottest 417A converter yet ...... ZL1AAX 32

o        Surplus Frequency Standard - Simple conversion or the VO-4 oscillator. You'll like it ...... Paffenberg 40

o        Simple Phone Patch Herb Brier - This one is pretty simple and effective. Next month a simpler one ...... W9EGQ 42

o        New Tube Base Coil Forms - OC3W, 5R4WGA. etc, bases make splendid coil forms ...... Paffenberg 44

o        Propagation Forecast - What bands what time to where... probably ...... K2IGY 50


January 1961 (#4)

o        Nuvistor Converters for Six and Two - 417A performance without 417A cost ...... K8ERV 8

o        Down With Drift - Step-by-step stabilization of your receiver ...... K5JKX/6 12

o        6N2 Completed - Eico, Heath, and Johnson kits add up to 100 watts on Six and Two ...... W3UZN 14

o        1296 MHz - Secret confessions of an UHF addict ...... K2TKN 16

o        Goblin Patrol - Hams team up with cops to louse up Halloween for the kids ...... W8UCY 18

o        Lost in a Tunnel - Pioneering frustrations of a diode speilunker ...... K5JKX/6 20

o        8 MHz Crystal Modification Kit - For thee who art long on 8 MHz rocks ...... W3UZN 24

o        Transistorized Frequency Standard - Think of all the advantages ...... W7OE 26

o        Suction or Whoosh - One is better, but you'll never know which unless you read the article ...... W6JAT 28

o        Transistorized Communications Receiver - Just to show you what you can do if you really want to ...... OZ7BQ 30

o        Vertical Radiator - To warm the ether, not your shack ...... W7OE 36

o        AM Detectors - Our big technical article for the month. Guaranteed both interesting and informative ...... Staff 40

o        Switch from the T-17 - The fine art of surplus scavenging ...... Paffenberg 51

o        Propagation Forecast - What bands what time to where probably ...... K2IGY 52

o        Spot Frequency Operation of VHF Nets - How to herd everybody on to the same channel ...... W0HKF 54

o        See-Saw Bleeder - Save power and get better regulation this away ...... KV4CI 56

February 1961 (#5)

o        Rolling Your Own - We're determined that you're going to build something ...... K5JKX/6 11

o        Amplifier for Varicap Modulator - More for gain for the modulator in our October issue ...... W7CSD 16

o        World's Simplest Phone Patch - Average construction time: five minutes ...... K5JKX/6 17

o        Two Meter Pip-Squeak - Complete phone rig using only three 6CX8's ...... K6BP 18

o        Squawk - Guaranteed Houser. We should needle Ken into writing more like this ...... W7IDF 20

o        Six Meter Converter - For the car... Operates with only 12 volts on the plates ...... K5JKX/6 22

o        Heath Phone Patch - Heath does it again. Works fine for SSB also. Hey Heath, where's the ads? ...... K2DHA 24

o        Life Insurance for Transistors - These little rascals are delicate, so watch your step ...... K6EAW 26

o        Beat Generation - Big technical article on SSB and CW detectors ...... Staff 28

o        ...

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