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Test 5

Test 6 Żywienie

1              Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź.

1              Bread, pasta and rice are

              a) dairy products.              b) cereal products.              c) fats.                                          d) junk food.

2              Which of the following is not a vegetable?

              a) cucumber                            b) cauliflower                            c) pear                                          d) sweetcorn

3              Which of the following is not a kind of meat?

              a) bacon                            b) turkey                            c) beef                                          d) herring

4              Which of the following is not a fruit?

              a) plum                            b) apricot                            c) radish                            d) watermelon             

5              This bread is rather

              a) stale.                            b) well-done.                            c) strong.                            d) mild.

6              This wine is very

              a) still.                            b) spicy.                            c) dry.                                          d) fresh.

7              I prefer ___ water.

              a) still                            b) stale                                          c) sweet                            d) rare

8              We need a ___ of bread.

              a) can                            b) jar                                          c) bar                                          d) loaf

9              I’d like a big ___ of chocolate, please.

              a) bar                            b) jar                                          c) packet                            d) can

10              Can I have a ___ of cherry jam, please?

              a) can                            b) jar                                          c) carton                            d) loaf

11              You can ___ water in a kettle.

              a) cook                            b) boil                                          c) bake                                          d) slice

12              You can ___ a cake in the oven.

              a) fry                            b) melt                                          c) mix                                          d) bake

13              You can ___ tomatoes with a knife.

              a) cook                            b) stir                                          c) slice                                          d) mix

14              I usually have lunch in the school

              a) bar.                            b) canteen.                            c) restaurant.                            d) pub.

15              b)efore a meal you have to ___ the table.

              a) lay                            b) make                                          c) do                                          d) wash up

16              We sat down at the restaurant table and read the

              a) card.                            b) dish.                                          c) bill.                                          d) menu.

17              The waiter recommended the ___ of the day.

              a) course                            b) dish                                          c) menu                                          d) plate

18              We ordered starters, a main ___ and a dessert.

              a) meal                            b) food                                          c) course                            d) dish

19              We finished eating and asked the waiter to bring us the

              a) tip.                            b) bill.                                          c) receipt.                            d) sum.

20              We thought the waiter was very nice, so we left a big

              a) tip.                            b) money.                            c) bill.                                          d) cash.




2              Wstaw jeden wyraz w każdą lukę. Pierwsze i ostatnie litery zostały podane.

Mike I think we need to prepare a 1p________d lunch for the excursion. What do you think we should take?

Sally Let’s make some sandwiches. How many bread 2 r________s have we got?

Mike One per person. That’s not enough, really.

Sally It’s enough for me… I need to 3 l________e weight.

Mike But I don’t! OK, let’s make one sandwich per person and take some 4 s________s - crisps and so on.

Sally That’s 5 j________k food! It’s so unhealthy.

Mike You don’t have to eat it. What shall we put in the sandwiches?

Sally I’ve bought smoked 6 s________n.

Mike Fish? I’d rather have ham sandwiches.

Sally Please don’t complain. We’ll put in some green 7 l________e leaves and some mayonnaise.

Mike All this food preparation is very tiring. Let’s have some tea. I’ll put the 8 k________e on.

Sally But all the cups and 9 m________s are dirty.

Mike We can 10 p________r the tea into glasses. Or even wash up!


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