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From the maelstrom of a sundered world, the Eight Realms
were born. The formless and the divine exploded into life.
Strange, new worlds appeared in the firmament, each one
gilded with spirits, gods and men. Noblest of the gods was
Sigmar. For years beyond reckoning he illuminated the
realms, wreathed in light and majesty as he carved out his
reign. His strength was the power of thunder. His wisdom
was infinite. Mortal and immortal alike kneeled before his
lofty throne. Great empires rose and, for a while, treachery
was banished. Sigmar claimed the land and sky as his own
and ruled over a glorious age of myth.
But cruelty is tenacious. As had been foreseen, the great
alliance of gods and men tore itself apart. Myth and legend
crumbled into Chaos. Darkness flooded the realms. Torture,
slavery and fear replaced the glory that came before. Sigmar
turned his back on the mortal kingdoms, disgusted by their
fate. He fixed his gaze instead on the remains of the world he
had lost long ago, brooding over its charred core, searching
endlessly for a sign of hope. And then, in the dark heat of
his rage, he caught a glimpse of something magnificent. He
pictured a weapon born of the heavens. A beacon powerful
enough to pierce the endless night. An army hewn from
everything he had lost. Sigmar set his artisans to work and
for long ages they toiled, striving to harness the power of the
stars. As Sigmar’s great work neared completion, he turned
back to the realms and saw that the dominion of Chaos was
almost complete. The hour for vengeance had come. Finally,
with lightning blazing across his brow, he stepped forth to
unleash his creation.
The Age of Sigmar had begun.
Dancing with Shadows
Of Aelf-Souls and Empires.....................8
The Age of Chaos
The Blood Must Flow
War Covens of the Khainites
Temples of Blood....................................16
Queens and Cauldrons
Witch Aelves
Sisters of Slaughter.................................23
Bloodwrack Sorceresses........................24
Doomfire Warlocks
Khinerai Harpies
Forces of Khaine
The Temples of Khaine
Allegiance Abilities
Lore of Shadows
Prayers of the Khainite Cult
Hagg Nar
Draichi Ganeth
The Kraith
Battleplan: The Altar of War
Path to Glory Campaigns
Daughters of Khaine
Warband Tables
Daughters of Khaine Tactics
Shadow Patrol.........................................74
Shadowhammer Compact....................75
Morathi, High Oracle of Khaine
Morathi, the Shadow Queen
Hag Queen
Slaughter Queen.....................................78
Avatar of Khaine
Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood
Witch Aelves
Sisters of Slaughter.................................81
Slaughter Queen on
Cauldron of Blood
Bloodwrack Shrine
Blood Sisters
Blood Stalkers.........................................85
Bloodwrack Medusa..............................86
Doomfire Warlocks
Khinerai Heartrenders
Khinerai Lifetakers................................87
Pitched Battle Profiles
The Disciples of Hagg Nar....................40
Painting Your Daughters of Khaine.....42
War Coven of Morathi
Cauldron Guard.....................................71
Slaughter Troupe
Temple Nest
WHAT’S NEXT?................................89
With thanks to The Faithful for their additional playtesting services.
Order Battletome: Daughters of Khaine © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2018. Order Battletome: Daughters of Khaine, GW, Games Workshop, Warhammer, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Battletome,
Stormcast Eternals, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games
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This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.
British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Pictures used for illustrative purposes only.
Certain Citadel products may be dangerous if used incorrectly and Games Workshop does not recommend them for use by children under the age of 16 without adult supervision.
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ISBN: 978-1-78826-306-1
Games Workshop Ltd., Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS, United Kingdom
Morathi’s true form is revealed in all its terrible glory as she exacts her vengeance upon the daemons of Slaanesh.
They crave battle and seek power through bloodshed, honouring their deity with every kill. Even their
closest allies shudder to witness the gory rituals that renew and reinvigorate these graceful murderers.
They are the Daughters of Khaine, and to cross blades with them is to invite death.
The Daughters of Khaine move
with quicksilver speed, carving into
enemies like a whirlwind of steel. As
blades flash, the she-aelves shed their
visage of cold and distant beauty,
their ecstatic faces alight with each
fresh kill. To them the clash of arms
is the height of their religion, holy
rites practised and perfected with all
the considerable skill and grace of
aelf-kind. As blood is spilled, shrill
dedications to Khaine ring out, and
with each gore-splattered offering
the Daughters rapturously grow
in power and fury. In their frenzy,
Khaine’s worshippers are closest
to their divinity, invigorated by his
iron-hearted spirit and insatiable
bloodlust. True to their merciless god,
the Daughters of Khaine continue the
slaughter until every last foe has fallen.
Khaine, the ancient aelven god of
battle and bloodshed, was said to have
been destroyed by the Chaos Gods
– a claim vehemently denied by the
matriarchal aelf cult. Indeed, to speak
such heresy is a crime punishable by
death – a sentence the militant order
prosecutes with extreme zeal.
For ages, aelves of any kind were
difficult to find, yet hidden within the
shadowy realm of Ulgu the Daughters
of Khaine flourished. With Sigmar’s
re-opening of Azyr the growing cult
has spread still further. The Daughters
have built shrines to Khaine in nearly
all of the great settlements founded
since the coming of the Age of Sigmar,
although each of the rival sects names
the seminal temple-city of Hagg
Nar as the capital of their violent
creed. As battle pilgrimages march
in chanting procession to the aid of
the forces of Order, the power of the
Khainites continues to grow. A single
person stands behind the unlikely
revitalisation of a fallen people, and
the promulgation of a fading religion:
the infamous Morathi.
A living legend who predates the Age
of Myth, Morathi is an aelven sorceress
whose eldritch mastery rivals that
of the gods. Her past is interwoven
with countless schemes and falls from
grace, and no few tales are told of her
otherworldly beauty and fierce temper.
Many know Morathi as the mother of
Malerion, a being of immense power
who has risen to immortality. It is a
path Morathi herself seeks to emulate
at any cost, and she has dedicated
herself as never before to leading
and growing the cult of Khaine with
unmatched fervour.
The Daughters of Khaine are a
mysterious order, hated by their
enemies and misunderstood or even
feared by their allies. However, none
that have fought beside them would
ever deny that the Daughters of
Khaine were not staunch enemies of
Chaos. When Alarielle, Queen of the
Sylvaneth, called for aid to reclaim her
realm of Ghyran from the diseased
grip of Nurgle’s plague legions, none
answered the call to battle with
more zeal than did the Daughters of
Khaine. It is not the corrupted alone
that feel the Daughters’ wrath, for
countless foes and monsters have
fallen before their blades. When the
orruks of Grokhold threatened the
newly raised city of Kurnothea, it
was the Daughters of Khaine that
stood shoulder to shoulder with the
Stormcast Eternals to safeguard the
burgeoning civilisation.
Yet despite their heroics, the savage
Daughters have won little trust. Claims
of extreme savagery and allegations
of gruesome rituals and snake-bodied
mutants give pause to even their most
ardent supporters. Perhaps it is true
that all is not as it seems with the
Daughters of Khaine…
‘In mine hand is the power
and the might. None may
withstand me. By the Will
of Khaine I will bathe in the
blood of my enemies.’
Mantra of the Blood Promise
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