Dusze czarnych. Hallelujah.txt

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00:01:54:Mammy, we're almost through|with the picking.
00:01:56:Yes, sir! And we done put in|a good season's work.
00:02:02:You got all of them things that you|got to buy in town tomorrow?
00:02:05:Yes, Mammy, I've got them right here.
00:02:07:Here it is, Mammy.
00:02:08:Why, here's a nice shirt for Pappy...
00:02:13:and a pair of pants for Spunk.
00:02:15:You knows you just joking.
00:02:17:Why, I never had no new pants in my life.
00:02:20:Why, as soon as you goes out 'em,|I stepped in.
00:02:24:-And a dress for Missy Rose--|-Oh, Zeke, what kind?
00:02:29:It ain't gonna be no wedding dress|and you needn't be...
00:02:31:asking me for none neither.
00:02:33:Ain't nobody asked you|for no wedding dress.
00:02:35:-Who'd marry you?|-Why, you would.
00:02:37:What does you think|Mammy adopted you for...
00:02:39:except so you could marry me?
00:02:41:-She didn't do nothing, did you Mammy?|-Course she did.
00:02:44:Oh, children, don't you all fuss.
00:02:46:Zeke, what you gonna bring the children?
00:02:48:I don't see nothing on here for Sears.
00:02:52:Not a thing?
00:02:54:Nor Roebuck.
00:02:55:Gee whiz!
00:02:57:Nor Coe.
00:02:59:Did you done forgot?
00:03:01:Oh, don't tease them, Zeke.
00:03:03:Don't I see a new bright pocket knife|hanging on that string?
00:03:08:And a whole lot of marbles.
00:03:12:That's right!
00:03:14:And a big pack of chewing gum.
00:03:20:I believe you sure is right, Mammy.
00:03:22:But what you want me to bring you|from town, Mammy?
00:03:24:You's always leaving yourself out.
00:03:26:-Don't matter about me, son.|-Yes'm, it do.
00:03:30:Well, looky here.
00:03:31:Here's a straw hat with a whole lot of|feathers on it for you, Mammy.
00:03:36:And a pair of them shiny gold spectacles.
00:03:44:Don't bring me nothing, son.
00:03:46:Mammy, I can't buy nothing.
00:03:49:I got to buy you something.
00:03:51:Why, there ain't no "nothing" to buy.
00:03:54:Well, all right then. Anything you choose.
00:04:01:Oh, cotton
00:04:03:Hey, cotton
00:04:06:Oh, cotton
00:04:48:"...have no other God before me.
00:04:50:"Thou shalt not make unto thee|any graven image or any likeness...
00:04:54:"of any thing that is in heaven above,|or that is in the earth beneath...
00:04:59:"or that is in the water under the earth.|Thou shall not bow--"
00:05:02:-Hello, Henry.|-Hello, folks.
00:05:04:Come on, Henry. We got a great big dish|of chitlins just waiting for you.
00:05:09:Everybody loves chitlins.
00:05:10:Henry, I sure am glad to see you.|Sit right down and make yourself at home.
00:05:14:Every time I see you,|you got that old banjo with you.
00:05:16:-What's the matter with--|-Better put that old starvation box down...
00:05:19:you gonna have a lot of trouble,|some of these days.
00:05:22:What you talking about, man?|This banjo is my best friend.
00:05:24:-What you talking about?|-How come it is?
00:05:25:Why sure, you know what I did?|Just here, last week, I told this old banjo:
00:05:29:"Banjo, I'm tired|of telling time by the old sun."
00:05:33:I said, "l wants me a watch."
00:05:36:Well, what did it do?
00:05:38:-Here it is.|-Let me see it. Look at that, Pappy.
00:05:42:-That sure is a good watch.|-Look at that baby!
00:05:44:You sure is lucky to get a watch like that.
00:05:47:Mammy, it's alive. I hear its heart beating.
00:05:50:Let me hear it.
00:05:51:You're just lucky.|I don't believe you stole it.
00:05:53:-Fine watch.|-Don't you know, this thing's ticking.
00:05:55:-Sure, it's going to tick.|-Let me look at it, then.
00:05:59:What time is by your watch, Henry?
00:06:06:There it is.
00:06:08:Sure is.
00:06:14:It sure is.
00:06:16:Henry, if you ain't gonna eat|none of these chitlins...
00:06:19:we gonna clear away the table.
00:06:20:-Yes.|-We sure is.
00:06:23:-Come on, boys. Let's have a little dance.|-I'm gonna do good.
00:08:13:Hello, Adam and Eve.|What are you doing around here?
00:08:17:Well, we just come down to see|if you had time to marry us.
00:08:21:That's right.
00:08:22:-To marry you?|-Yes.
00:08:23:Ain't these eleven children yours?
00:08:25:That's right.|And we thought it was about time...
00:08:28:for us to make it more permanent.
00:08:30:That's right.
00:08:31:Seems like you made it mighty late|getting round here to be married.
00:08:34:-The damage is all done.|-lt sure is.
00:08:36:But could you fix us up, anyhow?
00:08:39:Well, it's never too late|to do the will of the Lord.
00:08:42:That's right. That's right.
00:08:46:Well, children, I certainly is glad to see|you all done make up your minds...
00:08:50:to do the right thing.
00:08:51:Thank you. 'Cause you know,|I've always been a respectable woman...
00:08:54:and I don't want that to come up|against my character.
00:08:56:Oh, it ain't what you was.|It's what you is today.
00:08:59:Look here,|you ain't got on no wedding veil.
00:09:01:I ain't gonna marry you in no wedding veil.
00:09:02:-Now, Missy, go get the veil.|-Yes.
00:09:08:I guess we'll conduct this|marriage ceremony right around there...
00:09:12:under that tree.|Just follow me round here.
00:09:18:The Lord is with us to see this wedding.
00:09:21:-Look like you're gonna have your way.|-That's right.
00:09:26:Venus, come|and be your Pappy's best man.
00:09:33:Here, boy, come on round here.|You look more like your mammy...
00:09:35:every day.
00:10:21:...in the time of man's innocence...
00:10:25:signifying unto us the mystical union...
00:10:28:that is between Christ and his church.
00:10:32:-Which holy estate Christ adorned....|-Hello, Zeke.
00:10:36:Come on, kiss me, Missy Rose.
00:10:39:...and first miracle that he wrought|in Cana of Galilee.
00:10:43:What's the matter with you?|What's the matter with your eyes?
00:10:46:-Don't look at me like that.|-I been looking at you all day.
00:10:49:You sure do look good tonight,|Missy Rose.
00:10:51:Oh, Zeke, don't do that.
00:10:52:-Come on, kiss me.|-Don't do that, Zeke.
00:10:55:-Come on, kiss me.|-Don't do that.
00:10:57:Oh, Zeke.
00:10:58:...or lightly, but reverently.
00:11:01:-Man and wife.|-Amen.
00:11:11:The wedding's all over. They're married.|Come on out and kiss the bride.
00:11:17:Excuse me, Missy Rose, but it looks like|the devil's in me here tonight.
00:11:23:That's all right, Zeke. I'll forgive you.
00:11:26:Go ahead, my son.
00:11:29:-Ready, Henry?|-Yeah, I'm ready.
00:11:52:-That's it.|-Oh, yeah!
00:11:57:Sweet little baby
00:12:07:Now I lay me down to sleep,|I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
00:12:11:If I should die before I wake|I pray the Lord, my soul to take.
00:12:16:Bless Mammy and Pappy.
00:12:17:Bless Missy Rose,|Brother Zeke and Spunk.
00:12:21:Bless Sears, Roebuck and Coe. Amen.
00:12:33:Hush you bye
00:12:36:Don't you cry
00:12:40:Go to sleep
00:12:43:Little baby
00:12:47:You shall have
00:12:52:All the horses in the pasture
00:12:56:They belong to Mammy's little baby
00:13:26:Go to sleep
00:13:29:Little baby
00:13:51:Now, get up there. Here, here, here.
00:13:53:Go along. Go to bed. You're old enough|to go to bed by yourself.
00:14:07:-Goodnight, Mammy.|-Goodnight.
00:14:10:-Goodnight, Mammy.|-Goodnight, Spunk.
00:14:13:-Goodnight, Pappy.|-Goodnight, Missy.
00:14:16:-Goodnight, Mammy.|-Goodnight, Zeke.
00:14:18:-I'll see you in the morning.|-Lord, grant me.
00:14:20:-Goodnight, Zeke.|-Goodnight. Sleep tight.
00:14:24:-Goodnight, Pappy.|-Goodnight, Zeke.
00:14:26:-Goodnight, Pappy.|-Goodnight, Spunk.
00:14:42:Thank God.
00:14:48:These mules are so stubborn.
00:14:51:Stop right here.
00:14:52:-Whoa there, mule.|-Take it down to Veteran Smith.
00:14:57:Let us give thanks|for our success this year.
00:15:01:Let us kneel right down here.
00:15:05:We is most grateful for this|bountiful crop, O Lord...
00:15:08:-Yes, sir.|-...and we trust you won't be offended...
00:15:11:-No.|-...if we just ask one favor more.
00:15:13:Please, Lord, let us get a good price...
00:15:17:-for our cotton.|-Do pray, Lord.
00:15:23:-Don't forget the flour and the pepper.|-All right.
00:15:25:-Buy me my chewing gum.|-Don't forget my bowie knife.
00:15:28:-Good bye.|-Good bye.
00:15:35:My buddy and my buddy's friend
00:15:40:Can pick more cotton than the gin can gin
00:15:51:Come on there, mule, giddap!
00:15:55:Whoa, there.
00:15:57:Come on here, Spunk. Let's hurry up|and get this cotton ginned...
00:16:00:so we can get on downtown|there before everything's closed up.
00:16:03:It'll be over in two shakes of a lamb's tail.
00:16:05:Well, if you'd just shake|your tail a little bit...
00:16:07:-it'd be so much better.|-Come on and help me.
00:16:11:-I is. I done all the work, anyhow.|-What do you know?
00:16:20:-Listen.|-I'm listening.
00:16:22:Sure sounds pretty, don't it?
00:16:23:Sure is.
00:16:25:You know that song.
00:16:27:-But I ain't sung that in a long time.|-Sounds like At the End of the Road.
00:16:41:The way is long
00:16:43:The night is dark
00:16:45:But I don't mind 'cause a happy lark
00:16:49:Will be singing
00:16:52:At the end of the road
00:16:57:I can 't go wrong, I must go right
00:17:02:I'll find my way 'cause the guiding light
00:17:06:Will be shining
00:17:08:At the end of the road
00:17:12:There may be thorns in my path
00:17:17:But I'll wear a smile
00:17:20:'Cause in a little while
00:17:24:My path will be roses
00:17:30:The rain may fall from up above
00:17:35:But I won 't stop 'cause the ones I love
00:17:38:Will be waiting
00:17:41:At the end of the road
00:17:46:The way is long, the night is dark
00:17:51:But I don 't mind 'cause a happy lark
00:17:55:Will be singing
00:17:57:At the end of the road
00:18:03:I can 't go wrong, I must go right
00:18:06:I'll find my way 'c...
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