1.18 Patchnotes.txt

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#######################    1.18   ############################

# Expansion Features
- Rulers now get have personalities they gain when become adult. Personalities are now also gained after 10 and 25 years on the throne.
- An old monarch can now voluntarily abdicate in favor of an adult heir.
- You can now Develop your Subjects' Provinces, which will decrease their Liberty Desire.
- Monarchs now have obituaries & death reasons listed when they die.
- Great Powers added. 
- You can now construct buildings in your Subjects' Provinces.
- The Take on Foreign Debt diplomatic action for Great Powers enables you to pay off the debts of a lesser nation, for a significant opinion boost.
- The Influence Nation diplomatic action for Great Powers enables you to sway the opinion of and provide a +1 monarch power boost to a lesser country in the category where it has the lowest gain.
- Debasing your currency can provide cash corresponding to a bank loan, but it increases corruption by 2% each time.
- Added ledger page for Great Powers.
- Added console commands add_trait and remove_trait to manipulate ruler personalities.
- The "Intervene in War" diplomatic action allows a Great Power to join unbalanced wars on the weaker side.
- As a Great Power, you can now demand that a country break one of their Alliances. If they fear you enough to accept, treaties will be annulled between the involved countries. This will worsen the relations between you and the involved countries and cause a truce between you and the target.
- Can now upgrade fleets in subject provinces.
- Leaders can now have traits. After a battle, there is a chance that the "commanding officer" of each side gains a trait. This chance is based on the Army/Navy Tradition gained in the battle. All leader traits are positive and affect e.g. combat abilities, movement speed, attrition, ship durability, chance of capturing ships, reinforcement speed, etc.
- Countries following the fetishist religion can now select a cult to worship. Cults can be rechosen for every new ruler. Additional cults can be unlocked through fighting with other religious groups and friendly relations with heathen neighbours.
- Daimyos and Ottoman Government will now always maintain their dynasty. New rulers and heirs will be of the original dynasty, unless a union is formed.
- Ottoman Government: Pretender rebel leaders now get the correct Dynasty.
- Revolutionary Republics will now have their own factions. Girondists will attempt to spread the revolution abroad, Royalists will try to create a Revolutionary Empire and Jacobins will support the realization of the Revolutionary ideals internally.
- Can now peacefully abandon a Personal Union with a lesser partner. This will cost 25 prestige and add a truce of 5 years between the former overlord and the released country. The opinion penalty linearly scales with liberty desire from -200 to 0 for 0% to 100% liberty desire, respectively.
- Can now set Ruler Personalities to rulers and heirs in the nation designer.
- Can now always pay off your subject countries' debt.
- You can now disinherit heirs if you have positive prestige for a severe prestige hit.
- You can now strengthen your government for military power, and you gain legitimacy, republican tradition, devotion or horde unity depending on your government.
- Prussia Monarchy is a new goverment form, with the following special mechanics, where military rating of monarchs can never go below 3, and determening how militarised the state is. Militarisation of Society impact several military abilities positively.
- Leader Traits and Ruler Personalities are shown in the Military Leaders, Current Rulers and Previous Rulers pages of the Ledger.
- You can now spend military power to increase militarisation of society in a Prussian Monarchy.
- 'stats' command in console now also list the top 20 nations in greatpower ranking.

# Free Features
- Created a new technology system using Institutions, with no more westernisation or directly differing technology groups.
- New Culture Acceptance mechanics, where you can decide which cultures you want accepted in your nation, and which should be the primary culture.
- Added the Braindead Player AI setting to completely disable AI takeover if a player disconnects.
- Minimap displays player, friendly and enemy units.
- Added the "embrace" cheat to embrace all institutions in a province (1st argument), or for a specific institution (2nd argument).
- Added "exhaust" console command to alter war exhaustion.
- The Government View now shows more detailed information about the different Cultures and the acceptance of them in your state cores.
- When in a Succession War, the attacker can now demand Cancel Subject on the Country in question as part of the war goal.
- Added "powerspend" console command that prints global powerspend statistics to game.log, and that can optionally take a country tag as argument.
- Added "reset_powerspend" console command to reset all powerspend stats to zero (since it tracks spending so far).
- Added build datetime to version console command.
- As the leader of a Trade League, you can now create a Trading City from one of your provinces (requires Mare Nostrum DLC). This new nation will have the Trading City republic government and will automatically join your Trade League.
- Added dialog for sending crash reports.
- Host now sees a checkbox on player disconnect notification that lets him specify whether AI will be active or not for the disconnected country.
- "economy" console command now displays the sum of all expenses in each category since the beginning of time, or until "reset_economy" is executed.
- Embrace console-command now lists the optional argument in help.

# Gamebalance
- Theocracies, especially the Papal State, have an increased alliance acceptance penalty towards different religions now.  Turko-Papal diplomacy has hit an alltime low.
- There is now a scaled penalty to Liberty Desire up to +25% at max Mercantilism.
- Vassals fighting each others (i.e. in Japan) now always accept Enforce Peace requests of overlord, but all vassals except the defending peace target get +10 Liberty Desire.
- Treasure fleets give the same inflation per gold as gold mines.
- Trade Companies are now open to all technology groups.
- Natives reforming now get all institutions of the target they reform from.
- Plutocracy is now 10% faster institution spread in your country instead of 5% cheaper tech.
- Scientific Revolution now also gives 10% embracement cost as well.
- Added lots of logical places where province & country status impacts institution spread.
- Institutions Penalty slowly ticks up by 1% per year after discovery.
- Spy network bonuses will now apply to the target's subjects.
- Modifiers for Very Easy difficulty should now never be worse than those for Easy difficulty.
- You can no longer move capital to a continent that has less than a third of your total provinces, unless your capital is the last province you own on its continent.
- Subjects now have land and naval access to other subjects of the same overlord.
- Eastern European starting development reduced.
- Buryatian starting development reduced and redistributed to Manchuria and Mongolia.
- Lithuania now only have +3 tolerance to heretic instead of +4.
- Lucky nations are now down to 8, sorry Poland, Brandenburg & Sweden.
- Sanction Commercial Monopoly now costs 50 PI, instead of 100.
- Defender of Faith now gives you +10 opinion of all with that religion.
- OPM Natives can now migrate over 1 seazone as well.
- Knights lots their tolerance for heretics, but can instead do slave raids.
- Insitution Penalties can all tick up to 50%.
- Overhauled Lucky Nation bonuses.
- Primitive Status is now tied to starting techgroups.
- Native Reformation now removes primitive flag.
- Superiority Wargoal now requires 10% warscore from battles instead of 80% of battles won.
- Score is now modified by -50%, -25%, 0, +25% and +50% depending on difficulty selected.
- Increasing Development in a province now increases institution spread of the earliest possible.
- Increasing Institution spread by increasing development scales on the amount of development in the province, with development 20 giving 5, and development of 2 giving 0.5.
- There is now an increase in efficiency of embargoes for a nation scaled by its Mercantilism up to +50%. 
- Ships now engage in a priority order from heavy, galley, light to transport, up to a maximum of the engagement width (for which heavies count as 3 rather than 1).
- Attrition loss for a given level of attrition is now proportional to the strength of the unit, whereas previously it was proportional to the maximum possible strength of the unit (and thus invariant).
- Relieving a siege now makes the sieging force the "attacker" in the combat.
- If you have a port, now you get at least 5 sailors per month.
- Reworked foreign spy deteciton & counter espionage.  Counter espionage have less impact on discovery, but both now impact the spy network buildup of the target in your nation.
- Parliament Issue: Nationwide Census now increases manpower in a province instead of tax.
- Parliament Issue: Nationwide Land Survey now increases production in a province instead of tax.
- Large colonial nations now gives you +5 land force limit each.
- Colonial nations only lose half the money the overlord is getting in tariffs.
- When you change religion as a Monastic order, Devotion is now...
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