Astra Militarum 8E.pdf

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Introduction .......................3
Hammer of the Emperor ....6
Astra Militarum
Company Organisation ........................11
Deployed for War ..................................14
Regimental Organisation......................15
A Galaxy of War ....................................16
Cadia .......................................................18
Catachan .................................................20
Armageddon ..........................................22
Vostroya ..................................................23
Valhalla ...................................................24
Tallarn .....................................................25
Regiments of Distinction......................26
Heroes Beyond Number.......................30
Company Commanders .......................36
Tank Commanders................................37
Platoon Commanders ...........................38
Infantry Squads......................................39
Heavy Weapons Squads........................40
Veterans ..................................................41
Hellhounds .............................................45
Ordnance Batteries................................46
Deathstrikes ...........................................49
Leman Russ Tanks.................................50
Super-heavy Tanks ................................52
Lord Castellan Creed ............................56
Knight Commander Pask.....................57
Colonel ‘Iron Hand’ Straken ................58
Gunnery Sergeant Harker ....................59
Warriors of the Faith .............................60
Servants of the Omnissiah ...................61
Militarum Tempestus............................62
Valkyries .................................................63
Commissar Yarrick................................65
Ogryns ....................................................66
Nork Deddog .........................................67
Ratlings ...................................................68
Primaris Psykers ....................................69
Wyrdvane Psykers .................................70
Regimental Advisors .............................71
Regimental Colours..........72
Mustering for War .................................81
The Claw of Cadia .................................82
Soldiers of the Imperium . 84
Astra Militarum Wargear Lists ............85
Lord Castellan Creed ............................87
Company Commander.........................87
Tank Commander .................................88
Knight Commander Pask.....................89
Commissar Yarrick................................90
Lord Commissar....................................90
Colonel ‘Iron Hand’ Straken ................91
Tempestor Prime ...................................91
Primaris Psyker......................................92
Infantry Squad .......................................93
Militarum Tempestus Scions ...............94
Master of Ordnance ..............................95
Platoon Commander.............................95
Command Squad...................................96
Colour Sergeant Kell .............................96
Special Weapons Squad ........................97
Veterans ..................................................97
Sergeant Harker .....................................98
Militarum Tempestus
Command Squad...................................98
Ministorum Priest .................................99
Tech-Priest Enginseer .........................100
Commissar ...........................................101
Officer of the Fleet...............................101
Wyrdvane Psyker.................................101
Astropath ..............................................102
Ogryn Bodyguard................................102
Ogryns ..................................................103
Nork Deddog .......................................104
Ratlings .................................................104
Hellhounds ...........................................105
Scout Sentinels.....................................106
Armoured Sentinels ............................107
Heavy Weapons Squad .......................109
Wyverns ................................................110
Deathstrike ...........................................113
Leman Russ Battle Tanks....................114
Chimera ................................................115
Taurox ...................................................115
Taurox Prime........................................116
Valkyries ...............................................117
Baneblade .............................................118
Banesword ............................................120
Doomhammer .....................................121
Hellhammer .........................................122
Shadowsword .......................................123
Stormsword ..........................................125
Armoury of the Imperium .................126
Bulwark of Humanity......132
Regimental Doctrines .........................133
Stratagems ............................................134
Psykana Discipline ..............................137
Heirlooms of Conquest.......................138
Warlord Traits ......................................140
Points Values ........................................142
Tactical Objectives...............................144
With thanks to the Mournival for their additional playtesting services
Codex: Astra Militarum
Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2017. Codex: Astra Militarum, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-
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Games Workshop Ltd, Willow Rd, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS
Attention, soldier! You hold in your hands the definitive guide to the battle-hardened regiments of the Astra Militarum. This
book will help you to assemble your Citadel Miniatures and muster them into a powerful Imperial army, replete with ranks of
dogged troops, bellowing officers and mighty engines of war.
The Astra Militarum is the implacable military arm of the
Imperium, and one of the largest armies in the Warhammer 40,000
galaxy. Also known as the Imperial Guard, its ranks are filled with
the heaving masses of Humanity who march in unending wars
against the enemies of Mankind. Armed with grit, determination
and sheer weight of numbers, these mortal soldiers face down
the galaxy’s greatest horrors, laying low xenos monstrosities
and daemonic beasts with massed artillery, rumbling tanks and
concentrated las-fire. Bolstered by mighty war engines, attack
craft, psykers, priests, preachers and auxiliary abhuman troops,
the Astra Militarum is as versatile as it is indomitable. With the
Imperium shrouded in darkness, the Guardsmen of the Astra
Militarum are called upon as never before to succeed in their grim
and thankless duty.
In addition to their destructive capabilities on the battlefield, the
forces of the Astra Militarum present a unique and enjoyable
opportunity for any modeller and painter. As varied as they are
numerous, the regiments of the Astra Militarum are drawn from
planets throughout the Imperium, with each regiment’s uniform
and colours indicative of their native world and culture. Some fight
in simple combat fatigues while others march to war in resplendent
battle regalia. You can craft your army to be parade-ground ready,
every lasgun and helmet polished and every tank and artillery
piece immaculate; or you can depict the horrors of war endured by
your troops through blood-splattered chainswords, blast-scorched
armour plating and boots encrusted with the mud and muck of a
dozen battlefields. There are many established regiments to choose
from, or you are free to create one of your own.
Within this book you will find all the information you need to
collect an Astra Militarum army and field it upon the tabletop.
THE HAMMER OF THE EMPEROR: This section details the
storied history of the Astra Militarum and its ongoing wars in
service of the Imperium, including accounts of some of its most
famous regiments. It also provides an in-depth analysis of how
Astra Militarum armies are organised for battle.
REGIMENTAL COLOURS: Here you will find a showcase of
beautifully painted miniatures displaying the variegated ranks
of the Astra Militarum, along with example armies to inspire
your collection.
SOLDIERS OF THE IMPERIUM: This section includes datasheets,
wargear lists and weapon rules for every Astra Militarum unit and
model for you to use in your games.
BULWARK OF HUMANITY: This section provides additional
rules, including Warlord Traits, Stratagems, Relics, psychic
powers and matched play points, that allow you to transform your
collection of Citadel Miniatures into an Astra Militarum army.
To play games with your army, you will need a copy of
the Warhammer 40,000 rules. To find out more about
Warhammer 40,000 or download the free core rules,
The Imperium is faced with manifold horrors. Xenos scum gather in hordes beyond counting, the taint of mutation blights the
stars and every day heretics spread their corruption. But Humanity is also mighty, and its warriors many. The soldiers of the Astra
Militarum are the Hammer of the Emperor, and by their deeds shall the enemies of Mankind be destroyed.
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