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8  Answer Key   A

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation


1              1              did

2              was

3              saw

4              Did you watch

5              read

6              was

7              lost

8              did

2              1              There’s a swimming pool in the garden.

2              There aren’t any ghosts in the house.

3              Are there any cupboards in the kitchen?

4              Is there a shower in the bathroom?

5              There isn’t a television in the bathroom.

6              There are some schools near our new house.

3              1              a

2              was

3              any

4              were

5              Was

6              wasn’t


4              1              down

2              out of

3              next to

4              in front of

5              in

6              into

7              opposite

8              into

5              1              found

2              got

3              heard

4              wore

5              took

6              said

7              fell

8              drove

9              spoke

10              wrote

11 sat

12              thought

6              1              sofa

2              bed

3              shelf

4              cupboard

5              garden

6              balcony


7              1              lost

2              wanted

3              saw

4              died

5              sat

8              1              bedroom

2              kitchen

3              opposite

4              behind

5              into

Reading and Writing


1              1              B

2              C

3              A

4              B

5              B

6              A

7              A

8              C

2              1              Downland

2              Redcliffe

3              Seaview

4              Redcliffe

5              Downland

6              Seaview

7              Redcliffe


Student’s own answers.

Task completion: The task is fully completed and the answer is easy to understand.
(4 marks)

Grammar: The student uses appropriate structures to achieve the task. Minor errors do not obscure the meaning. (3 marks)

Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of words and phrases to communicate the message clearly. (3 marks)

Listening and Speaking


1              1              C

2              B

3              A

4              B

5              A

2              1              on the coast

2              dining room

3              eight

4              green

5              kitchen


Interactive communication and oral production: The student communicates effectively with
his / her partner, asking and answering simple questions, and where necessary initiating conversation and responding. The student uses appropriate strategies to complete the task successfully. (5 marks)

Grammar and Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of vocabulary and structure to communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not impede communication. (5 marks)

Pronunciation: The student’s intonation, stress, and articulation of sounds make the message clear and comprehensible. (5 marks)



8  Answer Key   B

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation


1              1              Was

2              wasn’t

3              a

4              any

5              wasn’t

6              were

2               1              did

2              lost

3              did

4              read

5              Did you watch

6              saw

7              was

8              went

3              1              There are some shops near our new house.

2              Is there a school in the village?

3              There isn’t a television in the kitchen.

4              Are there any cupboards in the dining room?

5              There’s a swimming pool in the garden.

6              There aren’t any ghosts in the house.


4              1              garden

2              cupboard

3              sofa

4              balcony

5              bed

6              shelf

5              1              thought

2              drove

3              heard

4              got

5              fell

6              said

7              took

8              sat

9              spoke

10              wrote

11              wore

12              found

6              1              in front of

2              in

3              down

4              out of

5              next to

6              from

7              into

8              opposite


7              1...

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