Elitism vs. Common Logic - Rev. F. Cook.pdf

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Elitism vs. Common Logic - Rev. F. Cook
Elitism is a hot topic among occult groups, with this group claiming to be only for "the
best" and another group claiming to be "only for real Satanists or Luciferians". The COL
has, at times, has fallen under the stigma of elitism by those who were rejected for
membership. This article will explain why we do not consider ourselves elite, nor do we
run the Church of Lucifer as an elitist organization.
This will sound harsh, but, for every ten applications we receive, one person becomes a
member. This is not due to elitism, but due to how thorough one fills out his or her
application and answers the simple questions we pose in the post-application interview.
Before one even considers joining a religious organization of any type, they should at
least read the literature. We receive applications daily from people who seem oblivious to
the real occult, yet want to join an occult order. It's kind of like deciding one day, "Hey, I
want to be a Muslim", but never reading the Quaran. Why do people do such asinine
things? A need for acceptance? A belief that religion will magickally turn their lives
around just by joining and putting forth no effort? It takes little effort to read a couple
books and the entire website of the group one wishes to join. However, most believe they
can "get by". In some groups, this may be the case. We would like all of our members to
know, at least, the basic tenets of Luciferianism or Satanism before submitting an
application, where half of the answers are either "I don't know" or "none". Asking that the
applicant know what they are joining is not too much to ask, nor do I think anyone could
label us as elitists or snobs because of it.
It is highly suggested that if someone is rejected from the COL to wait three months and
read up on at least the basic tenets before requesting another application.
If someone is contemplating joining the COL, make sure to read the entire website and to
pick up a few books on the subject from authors in the occult movement. If you still have
questions feel free to e-mail us from the contact link.
Everything in this world is a manifestation of our own free will, for good or ill!
Ave Luciferi Rex!
Ave Ain!
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