Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring [engineering] - C. Boller, et al., (Wiley, 2009) WW.pdf

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Chapter 1
Structural Health Monitoring — An
Introduction and Definitions
Christian Boller
Saarland University & Fraunhofer Institute for Non-Destructive Testing, Saarbrucken, Germany
(and formerly of The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK)
(although not expressed like this at the time) possibly
dates back much earlier than the 1980s when the
combination of words was created. Indeed, it may
date back to the origins of structural engineering.
Engineering structures are designed to be safe. The
difficulty one trading in this regard is the desire to
construct something for a specific purpose out of a
material of which one can never know enough in
terms of the material’s properties as well as the envi-
ronment the structure is going to operate in. We are
happy with the knowledge we can gain in this regard
and all we do not know needs to be covered by a
safety factor that we have to assume at best guess. The
less we know about the operational conditions of a
structure and the performance of materials and struc-
tures, the higher the safety factor will have to be. This
is the risk and dilemma structural engineering is in.
Engineering structures are designed to withstand
loads. These loads can be mechanical loads of a
static and/or dynamic nature. Loads can, however,
also be of an environmental nature such as temper-
ature, humidity or chemical, and again the structure
can be exposed to these loads in either a static or
even very short term and thus dynamic condition
such as a thermo shock. Knowledge of loads applied
to a structure has to come from experience. This
experience has been either gathered on similar struc-
tures in the past or from assumptions. The safest
1 Background
2 Loads Monitoring
3 Damage Monitoring
4 Sensor System Implementation
5 SHM Potential Determination
6 Conclusions
Further Reading
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is a combination
of words that has emerged around the late 1980s.
It is very much associated with what we are accus-
tomed with in the classical medical and health sector,
combines it possibly with what we are accustomed to
in control (monitoring) and links it to what we are
truly considering here: engineering structures. SHM
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring . Edited by
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0.
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way to design a structure is to design it against an
ultimate design limit load, which is the maximum
load ever experienced with such a structure added by
a safety margin. Designing a structure against this
load, however, makes the structure heavy. Often, the
maximum load of a structure may just occur once in
the structure’s life, if ever at all. In that case one may
start to question the extreme safety built in, specifi-
cally if the maximum load applied would not result
in any observable damage.
Loads applied to a structure are the reason for
structural deterioration and hence resulting damage.
This damage may be generated at a microscopic level
and may gradually progress until it becomes observ-
able and critical. Trading with this observability and
criticality is the art of damage tolerant design, which
has allowed structures to become lighter weight. The
way the damage accumulates is of a fairly random
nature, and scatter of a factor of 2 in operational life
is absolutely normal. This requires a careful means
and procedure of inspection at well-defined intervals.
The booming development of sensing technology
in terms of sensors decreasing in size and cost, and
the combination with microprocessors with increasing
power and enhanced materials design and manu-
facturing in terms of functional materials or even
electronic textiles have opened avenues in merging
structural design and maintenance with those advan-
ced sensing, signal processing, and materials manu-
facturing technologies. Taking advantage of this
lateral integration is what SHM is about. The central
set of questions in this field is therefore
Without compromising safety, could we make our
combining the sensors through
– advanced microelectronics and possibly
– wireless technology with
advanced microprocessors and
advanced signal processing?
If one would try to give an answer to all these,
the answer could somehow result in SHM, and a
definition for SHM could possibly be the following.
SHM is the integration of sensing and possibly also
actuation devices to allow the loading and damaging
conditions of a structure to be recorded, analyzed,
localized, and predicted in a way that nondestruc-
tive testing (NDT ) becomes an integral part of the
structure and a material.
As a consequence, SHM requires to look at loads
as well as damage monitoring with respect to their
sensing and assessment algorithms and needs to get
those merged in a holistic process such that the
health of a structure can be accompanied during the
complete life cycle process of the structure consid-
ered. How this has emerged and could be further
achieved is described as the holistic process in the
following articles with further details to be found
throughout the wide range of articles being provided
throughout this encyclopedia.
Design of engineering structures is at least based
on static strength. This is the way structures have
been designed since the past mainly by applying a
test load that exceeds the maximum operational load
by a safety factor to be defined or by designing
the structure against the expected maximum load
times the safety factor, or possibly both. The problem
of fatigue in structures became apparent with the
upcoming railway industry in the second half of the
nineteenth century. August Wohler [1] was possibly
the first to determine that components—and in his
case railway axles—would fracture at loads much
lower than the ultimate tensile load if the components
were exposed to a repetitive loading. Wohler further-
more determined that the number of cycles to fracture
is related to the level of the repetitive load being
applied. This resulted in the effect of materials fatigue
to be established and has been mainly described in
the form of a fatigue–life curve also often denom-
inated as S–N or Wohler curve. S–N curves were
better available
lighter weight
more cost efficient and
more reliable
by making sensors (and possibly also actuators) to
become an integral part of the structure?
What about
looking at advanced cheap sensors, which are
continuously becoming
lighter and
making the sensors an integral part of the struc-
tural component?
An Introduction and Definitions
and are therefore used to determine the allowable
loads of railway axles compared to static loads, which
were now named fatigue loads. This principle is well
applicable because fatigue loads on railway axles are
fairly constant over the life cycle and hence can
be considered constant amplitude. Wohler’s principle
was shortly expanded to other railway applications
such as frames or boogies of railway engines and
carriages as well as even railway steel bridges.
Constant amplitude loading is not the way struc-
tures are conventionally loaded while operating in
service. Most of them are more loaded in accor-
dance to a randomized nature where small loads
follow a high load or vice versa such as the different
time domain signals shown in Figure 1. Ernst Gaßner
[2] was possibly the first to recognize in the 1930s
that service loading of structures had to be treated
different from constant amplitude loading or in other
words constant amplitude loading to be a specific
condition within the frame of in-service loading.
Fatigue–life curves for in-service loading were there-
fore defined in terms of the maximum load applied
in the in-service spectrum versus the number of
loading cycles sustained until fracture. Palmgren [3]
from Sweden published his damage accumulation rule
(published later in English by Miner [4]) seeming
initially trivial for constant amplitude loading, which
however became not only more attractive to be
applied for randomized in-service loading but also an
issue for wide scientific discussion until even today.
Parallel to fatigue analysis, the other wide area
of fracture mechanics was initiated during the early
twentieth century, mainly driven by people such as
Griffith [5] initially. Fracture mechanics was further
developed since that time and specifically during
WW2, which led to an enhanced understanding of
the fatigue process. Furthermore, the combination of
fatigue loading and fracture mechanics allowed the
new principle of damage tolerant design to be estab-
lished. Damage tolerant design as opposed to safe
life design, which is shown in Figure 2, is a principle
that allows damages such as cracks to be present in a
structure as long as the overall integrity of the struc-
ture is not compromised. This is achieved by either
monitoring slow crack growth through well-defined
inspection intervals or building in load redundancy
in a way such that when a component is due to
fracture another component is still able to take over
the load without compromising the overall struc-
ture itself. Considering damage tolerance in struc-
tures has allowed those structures to become much
more lighter weight when compared to the traditional
safe life design. Damage tolerant design has there-
fore become mainly the standard for designing civil
aviation metallic structures nowadays, with military
and even jet engine structures to gradually move
towards those design principles as well. However,
there are also other areas that have taken advantage
of the damage tolerance principle such as marine and
offshore structures.
Rear axle of a car
Pressure in a condensation chamber of a reactor
Stresses on a car wheel
Momentum generated by the engine of a milling
Bending moment at the stub axle of a car
Acceleration in the center of gravity of a fighter
Pressure in a pipeline
Acceleration in the center of gravity of a
transport aircraft
n z
Figure 1. Time domain signals for different in-service random loads.
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Fatigue design
How much
potential left?
Safe life design
Damage tolerant design
Slow crack
Fail safe
load path
Crack stopper
Figure 2. Principles in engineering structural design.
Aircraft structures are hence designed to be either
safe life or damage tolerant for a service loading
spectrum to be defined during the design of the
aircraft. Safe life means that the structure is not
allowed to fracture for the loading spectrum defined
and up to a given service life. Irrespective of its
condition, the component will have to be replaced by
a new component after its service life achievement.
Damage tolerance is however the alternative to safe
life design where a crack is allowed to grow in the
structure over a significantly long period of time such
that it can be detected during that period safely and
does not lead to a critical hazard.
The first aircraft to possibly ever seriously consider
damage tolerant design was the De Havilland Comet
designed and built in the early 1950s, which was
first flown in 1952. This aircraft was possibly the
ever most challenging aircraft built in civil aviation
history. The design did not just include damage
tolerance but also a pressurized fuselage as well as
jet engines integrated into the wing. This extreme
innovation push however led to some serious crashes
in 1953/1954, which resulted from a crack having
generated from one of the corner of the windows
where the crack had initiated due to underestimation
of the window corners’ notch combined with the
continuous pressurization cycles during each flight.
The consequences of this accident were immediate
and led to
the major airframe fatigue test (MAFT) to be
introduced where a full-scale aircraft structure is
tested under in-service loading conditions on the
ground and this being ahead of the so-called fleet
leader (the aircraft in a fleet having the most flight
cycles accumulated) in terms of flight cycles; and
operational loads monitoring devices to be consid-
ered for aircraft in general.
While the former two consequences can be attribu-
ted to structural design, the latter can be clearly
attributed to SHM. Although nobody was using the
expression of SHM at the time, it was clearly shown
that a more precise knowledge of operational loads
would be highly essential. This led to the UK Royal
Air Force to design a mechanical device that was inte-
grated around the center of gravity of fighter airplanes
in the late 1950s and was based on a set of accelerom-
eters being set at different acceleration thresholds
(Figure 3). Whenever the aircraft would exceed one
of the thresholds, the counter would count those as
a measure of exceedances. Hence the numbers being
recorded by the different accelerometers would repre-
sent the actual load spectrum of the aircraft at the time
of recording. The following formula for calculating a
flight (or better fatigue) index was introduced
Flight index (F I )
K 2 ×
S 1 ×
( 2 . 31 A
0 . 03 B
0 . 001 C
0 . 001 D
0 . 28 E
the shape of the windows being near to rectan-
gular at the time to be changed to the more ovoid
shape we have nowadays;
3 . 43 F
10 . 36 G
18 . 63 H
1 . 16 WL)
( 1 )
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An Introduction and Definitions
where K 2 ,S 1 ,and WL denote the mission coef-
ficient, stores configuration coefficient and landing
coefficient, respectively, while A to H represents the
readings from the different accelerometers.
Gaßner, who had introduced the eight-step block
program sequence as a first step in in-service load
sequence analysis [6], continued to determine in-
service load sequences for automobiles where a load
cycle counting system was developed as shown in
Figure 4. Tests performed with this system on various
types of roads resulted in a variety of load spectra as
shown in Figure 5. This further led to the develop-
ment of a variety of standard load sequences such as
the Gauß and linear distribution spectrum for random
loading [7].
Further development was ongoing into a variety of
random load sequences such as for transport aircraft
(Transport WIng STandard (TWIST)) [9], fighter
aircraft (FALSTAFF) [10], helicopters (HELIX
FELIX) [11], wind energy structures (WISPER) [12],
and possibly much more. Figure 6 shows the TWIST
random load sequence for the wing attachment of
a transport aircraft as an example. It can be seen
that this load sequence is not just composed of a
randomization of loads but also of a randomization
of different flight types.
Figure 3. Acceleration exceedance monitoring system
introduced in the Royal Air Force in the 1950s.
3 .
. 10
Figure 4. Gaßner’s loads monitoring system used in the late 1950s and early 1960s for monitoring road transport load
sequences [8].
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